Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the narrator, who is the cutest boy in school?
(a) Brian Morris.
(b) Ben Goodman.
(c) Paul Newman.
(d) Neil Donovan.

2. Lisa Shilling's only sibling is..
(a) Tracy, a younger sister.
(b) Ben, a younger brother.
(c) Brian, an older brother.
(d) Elizabeth, an older sister.

3. In the novel's title "Lisa, Bright and Dark", to what does the term "Bright" refer?
(a) Lisa's periods of relative normalcy.
(b) Lisa's periods of mental illness.
(c) Lisa's use of an English accent when talking.
(d) Lisa's obsession with the sun.

4. Mary Nell Fickett explains how she intends to help Lisa Shilling--she refers to the process as...
(a) Hypnotize.
(b) Therapy-ize.
(c) Mesmerize.
(d) Psychoanalyze.

5. Lisa Shilling's conversation with her parents opens the novel. After that conversation what does Lisa do?
(a) Lays on her bead and smashes her head against the headboard.
(b) Moves out of the house to live with her boyfriend.
(c) Goes to school and flunks her English test.
(d) Goes shopping with her friends.

6. Mr. Bernstein refuses to talk to Mr. Shilling about Lisa Shilling's mental condition because...
(a) He doesn't think it's his place.
(b) He thinks Mr. Shilling will hit him.
(c) He doesn't think Lisa has a problem.
(d) He is afraid of the social ramifications.

7. Why does Lisa wait until her friend is present to talk about a serious medical condition with her parents?
(a) The medical condition was caused by her friend.
(b) She wants her friend to pay for the treatment.
(c) She hopes that her friend will act as a witness.
(d) The medical condition is about her friend.

8. In the novel's title "Lisa, Bright and Dark", to what does the term "Dark" refer?
(a) Lisa's periods of mental illness.
(b) Lisa's relationship with her boyfriend Brian.
(c) Lisa's fascination with going to see movies.
(d) Lisa's periods of relative normalcy.

9. Which character's father maintains a large personal library with valuable reference books?
(a) Lisa Shilling.
(b) Mary Nell Fickett.
(c) Elizabeth Frazer.
(d) Betsy Goodman.

10. Which character's father is a minister?
(a) Lisa Shilling.
(b) Betsy Goodman.
(c) Elizabeth Frazer.
(d) Mary Nell Fickett.

11. As Lisa Shilling's mental condition continues to deteriorate, how do her classmates respond?
(a) They generally are cruel to her.
(b) They make fun of her.
(c) They generally avoid her.
(d) They tease her little sister about it.

12. When Lisa Shilling first tells her father that she thinks she might be going crazy, he tells her...
(a) That she should drink more coffee.
(b) That she's seen too many movies.
(c) That Shillings don't go crazy.
(d) That she should visit with a psychiatrist.

13. Where do Betsy Goodman, Mary Nell Fickett, and Lisa Shilling first meet for an impromptu group therapy session?
(a) At the Ficketts' house.
(b) At the Shillings' house.
(c) At the Long Island public library.
(d) At a popular diner.

14. Just after Brian Morris breaks up with her, Lisa Shilling begins to befriend which major character?
(a) Mary Nell Fickett.
(b) Elizabeth Frazer.
(c) Betsy Goodman.
(d) Neil Donovan.

15. After Lisa Shilling's self-mutilation episode at school, Jeremy Bernstein diagnoses Lisa's condition as...
(a) Paranoia.
(b) Psychosis.
(c) Schizophrenia.
(d) Tension.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Lisa Shilling's first public outburst of irrational behavior amidst a group of friends occurred, Mary Nell Fickett apologized by saying...

2. Mary Nell Fickett and Betsy Goodman initially turn to what source of information to research mental illness?

3. Lisa Shilling's conversation with her parents opens the novel. Lisa tries to talk to her parents about something important. Lisa's mother, Mrs. Shilling, responds by doing what?

4. What is the profession of Betsy Goodman's father ?

5. The narrator compares her newly-built school to her old school and notes that both schools have the same...

(see the answer keys)

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