Light a Penny Candle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light a Penny Candle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ethel hospitalized for in Chapter 18?
(a) Dizzyness.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) High blood pressure.
(d) A fall down the stairs.

2. How many days are Aisling and Elizabeth in Ireland in Chapter 19?
(a) Ten days.
(b) Twenty days.
(c) Five days.
(d) Fifteen days.

3. Why does Eileen go to Dublin in Chapter 17?
(a) To visit a friend.
(b) For a school reunion.
(c) For medical treatment.
(d) To buy Aisling a birthday gift.

4. Who does Simon plan to marry in Chapter 20?
(a) An American girl.
(b) A Scottish girl.
(c) A Welsh girl.
(d) An Irish girl.

5. How many people attend Violet's funeral?
(a) Three.
(b) Ten.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Thirty-one.

6. How does Stone react to his mother's death?
(a) He is devastated.
(b) He is angered.
(c) He is unemotional.
(d) He is relieved.

7. Why is Tony in London in Chapter 18?
(a) To look for Aisling.
(b) To learn about diversification.
(c) To attend a wedding.
(d) To find work.

8. What does Simon do to make Elizabeth uncomfortable in Chapter 20?
(a) Talks about his depression.
(b) Tells her about Henry's past.
(c) He flirts with her.
(d) Insults the Irish.

9. What does Donal refuse to do for Tony in Chapter 18?
(a) Cover his shift.
(b) Lend him some money.
(c) Drive him to London.
(d) Act as an intermediary with Aisling.

10. Where do Aisling and Tony stay on their wedding night?
(a) The Seaside Hotel.
(b) The Shelbourne Hotel.
(c) The Southbank Hotel.
(d) The Scarborough Hotel.

11. What does Ethel tell Aisling in a telegram in Chapter 20?
(a) That she is sorry for the way she treated Aisling.
(b) That Tony is remarrying.
(c) That the bungalow has burned down.
(d) That Tony has passed away.

12. How do Aisling and Tony offend their relatives in Chapter 15?
(a) By returning a few wedding gifts.
(b) By skipping Christmas dinner.
(c) By not sending postcards during their honeymoon.
(d) By spending their first night alone in Dunloaghaire.

13. Where does Stone invite Elizabeth to go in chapter 15?
(a) The racetrack.
(b) A gallery.
(c) A skiffle club.
(d) The theatre.

14. Who is jealous of all of the attention Aisling is receiving because of her wedding in Chapter 12?
(a) Niamh.
(b) Ethel.
(c) Elizabeth.
(d) Maureen.

15. What type of lessons does Elizabeth teach in Chapter 14?
(a) Adult education art lessons.
(b) Piano lessons.
(c) Antique identification lessons.
(d) Nursery school lessons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Elizabeth feel sympathy towards during his speech in Chapter 13?

2. What do the men discuss with concern in Chapter 16?

3. What does Simon tell Elizabeth over dinner in Chapter 15?

4. What does Aisling apologize to Elizabeth for during her wedding?

5. When does Sean summon Aisling home to visit their mother?

(see the answer keys)

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