Life and Death in Shanghai Test | Final Test - Easy

Nien Cheng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life and Death in Shanghai Test | Final Test - Easy

Nien Cheng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of trees did the Housing Bureau plant in Cheng's garden?
(a) Tallow Trees.
(b) Plum trees.
(c) Maple Trees.
(d) Metasequoia trees.

2. In Chapter 10, what 1950s propaganda film was being criticized?
(a) Fighting for Shangai.
(b) Peaceful Spring.
(c) Window on America.
(d) Corruption.

3. When did Cheng's mother die?
(a) 1961.
(b) 1960.
(c) 1963.
(d) 1962.

4. How many stands did Cheng want the museum to make for the pieces of her collection that she was keeping?
(a) From 8 to 10.
(b) From 6 to 8.
(c) From 10 to 12.
(d) From 14 to 16.

5. What did Cheng buy the Zhous for a New Year present?
(a) Chocolates and beer.
(b) Cream cake and chocolates.
(c) Cream cake and fruit.
(d) Fruit and chocolates.

6. Why was Cheng questioned by a member of the Military Control Commission of the People's Art Theater?
(a) To discuss Du Fu.
(b) To discuss Huang Zuolin.
(c) To discuss Lin Liguo.
(d) To discuss Chen Boda.

7. Where was Meiping living after the Revolutionaries took Cheng away?
(a) In a doctor's house.
(b) In Cheng's house.
(c) At Professor Chen's house.
(d) At the film studio.

8. After Cheng's handcuffs were removed, what extra food was buried at the bottom of her food container?
(a) A piece of beef.
(b) A piece of pork.
(c) Scrambled eggs.
(d) Two hard-boiled eggs.

9. How many students was Cheng teaching English to in Chapter 15?
(a) Seven.
(b) Eight.
(c) Five.
(d) Six.

10. How long did Chinese New Year celebrations last when Cheng was a child?
(a) Fifteen days.
(b) Two months.
(c) One month.
(d) Forty-five days.

11. What did Cheng's old gardener tell her happened to Lao-zhao when he was beaten by the Red Guards?
(a) Broke his leg.
(b) Received a concussion.
(c) Broke his arm.
(d) Cracked a rib.

12. Who came to whitewash Cheng's new living quarters after her release from the detention house?
(a) Kong and two young men.
(b) Workers Cheng hired.
(c) Hean and a friend.
(d) Ai-yi and a family member.

13. While the interrogators were trying to get Cheng to confirm her brother's accusation, what did they refuse to give her?
(a) Hot showers.
(b) Vitamins.
(c) Rice.
(d) Sulfa drugs.

14. What size were Cheng's fingers when her handcuffs were removed?
(a) Size of carrots.
(b) Size of three pencils bound together.
(c) Size of a spring roll.
(d) Size of celery sticks.

15. Where was the National Day parade held in Beijing?
(a) Dongcheng District.
(b) Tiananmen Square.
(c) Haidian District.
(d) Qianmen Square.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much of Cheng's porcelain collection was returned to her?

2. How long did it take after Cheng was manacled for her to be able to stretch her arms straight out in front of her?

3. When was Meiping born?

4. What language were all Chinese supposed to speak?

5. What book did Da De bring when he first came to Cheng to learn English?

(see the answer keys)

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