Life and Death in Shanghai Test | Final Test - Easy

Nien Cheng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life and Death in Shanghai Test | Final Test - Easy

Nien Cheng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What emotions did Cheng feel after a statement was read indicating why she was being released?
(a) Anger and disgust.
(b) Frustration and dread.
(c) Gratitude and surprise.
(d) Joy and happiness.

2. In January 1971, how large was the room where Cheng was locked in after an interrogation session?
(a) About 8 ft. square.
(b) About 5 ft. square.
(c) About 4 ft. square.
(d) About 6 ft. square.

3. What was on the scroll given to Cheng for donating her porcelain pieces?
(a) A painting by Lan Ying.
(b) A painting by Wen Jia.
(c) A painting by Tang Yin.
(d) A painting by Shen Zhou.

4. What size were Cheng's fingers when her handcuffs were removed?
(a) Size of a spring roll.
(b) Size of celery sticks.
(c) Size of carrots.
(d) Size of three pencils bound together.

5. How much of Cheng's porcelain collection was returned to her?
(a) A little more than half.
(b) About one fourth.
(c) A little more than one fourth.
(d) Less than half.

6. After Cheng had another bad hemorrhage in 1973, to what hospital was she taken?
(a) Hepingli Hospital.
(b) Zhongshan Hospital.
(c) Huadong Hospital.
(d) Guang Ci Hospital.

7. How far did the Zhus have to go to get water and use the bathroom after the Red Guards looted their home?
(a) About 150 yards.
(b) About 250 yards.
(c) More than 200 yards.
(d) More than 100 yards.

8. What did Cheng use to bandage her wrists after the handcuffs were removed?
(a) Strips of clothing.
(b) A pillowcase.
(c) Bits of towels.
(d) Part of a quilt.

9. While the interrogators were trying to get Cheng to confirm her brother's accusation, what did they refuse to give her?
(a) Vitamins.
(b) Sulfa drugs.
(c) Rice.
(d) Hot showers.

10. After Cheng's handcuffs were removed, what extra food was buried at the bottom of her food container?
(a) A piece of beef.
(b) Two hard-boiled eggs.
(c) Scrambled eggs.
(d) A piece of pork.

11. A month of rain was called the huangmei. What was the rain named after?
(a) Flowering crab.
(b) Flowering Crabapple.
(c) Chinese dogwood.
(d) Yellow plum.

12. How long did Chinese New Year celebrations last when Cheng was a child?
(a) Forty-five days.
(b) Two months.
(c) One month.
(d) Fifteen days.

13. When did Meiping die?
(a) 1967.
(b) 1970.
(c) 1968.
(d) 1969.

14. After Cheng's handcuffs were removed, how high was the swelling on her arms?
(a) To her elbows.
(b) To her shoulders.
(c) To her wrists.
(d) To her knuckles.

15. Where was the National Day parade held in Beijing?
(a) Dongcheng District.
(b) Qianmen Square.
(c) Haidian District.
(d) Tiananmen Square.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old was Ai-yi?

2. In Chapter 10, what 1950s propaganda film was being criticized?

3. How much money did Cheng give Da De for a wedding present?

4. What did Dr. Gu give to the Shanghai Museum?

5. What did Cheng's old gardener tell her happened to Lao-zhao when he was beaten by the Red Guards?

(see the answer keys)

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