The Liars' Club Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Liars' Club Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the philosophy of the school Mary attended in Antelope?
(a) "Children Should Be Seen, Not Heard".
(b) "No Child Left Behind".
(c) "Education Is Fun".
(d) "Self-Paced Learning".

2. During the school day, where did the students at Mary's school in Antelope sit, which always astounded her?
(a) At their desks.
(b) Wherever they felt like it.
(c) Outside, on the grass.
(d) On the floor.

3. Which of the following food items did Hector regularly eat raw, which sickened Charlie?
(a) Hamburger patties.
(b) Potatoes.
(c) Eggs.
(d) Chicken breasts.

4. For whom did Lecia lie and say she made hand-painted fishing lures?
(a) Pete.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Mary.
(d) Mr. McBride.

5. Who came to Mary's aide when she screamed for help from the neighbors while Charlie threatened to shoot Hector?
(a) No one.
(b) Mr. Janisch.
(c) Mr. McBride.
(d) Big Bertha.

6. After the threatened shooting of Hector by Charlie, who phoned Pete and demanded that he take the girls the next day?
(a) Lecia.
(b) Mary.
(c) Hector.
(d) Charlie.

7. What did Charlie use to stop the swelling in Mary's eye after the schoolyard fight with the "Big" bully?
(a) Ice wrapped in a towel.
(b) Charlie ignored the injury completely.
(c) A raw steak.
(d) A bag of frozen peas.

8. What was the name of the buxom bartender at the local bar where Pete took Mary during her school holidays?
(a) Lucy.
(b) Sally.
(c) Molly.
(d) Amy.

9. Who was the first to spot Mary hiding in the tree with her BB gun?
(a) Rickey's brother.
(b) Rickey's father.
(c) Rickey Carter.
(d) Rickey's mother.

10. What did Mary purchase for Charlie with the stamps she collected from the grocery store?
(a) A cheese grater.
(b) A nutcracker.
(c) A can opener.
(d) A toaster.

11. Where was Pete when he suffered his first stroke?
(a) At church.
(b) At the bar.
(c) Driving home from work.
(d) In his bed.

12. How old was Hector's cousin Purdy when Mary and Lecia were sent to stay with her?
(a) Forty.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Thirty.
(d) Fifty.

13. What type of expensive animal fur coat did Charlie buy, which alienated her from her neighbors in Texas?
(a) Leopard.
(b) Fox.
(c) Mink.
(d) Tiger.

14. Which of the following holidays did the Karr girls miss, oblivious to the day of its celebration?
(a) Mother's Day.
(b) Father's Day.
(c) Memorial Day.
(d) All Saints' Day.

15. What did Alecia use to bludgeon her husband with during a fight while Mary cowered in the bedroom?
(a) A frying pan.
(b) A vase.
(c) A golf club.
(d) A dictionary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What instrument did Hector like to listen to Lecia play?

2. What types of books did Charlie read aloud to Mary before putting her in bed at night, books that Mary credited as awakening the darkness inside her?

3. What small appliance did Mary try to plug into her father's outlet and was victim to his verbal outburst?

4. What did Charlie purchase as an "investment" with Hector for their future together?

5. Which book was Mary reminded of when she looked out over the landscape of her new home in Antelope?

(see the answer keys)

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