Letters from a Stoic Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Letters from a Stoic Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is symptomatic of excessive attachment to the body, according to Seneca?
(a) Excessive concern with pain.
(b) Frequent baths.
(c) Frequent trips to community baths.
(d) Excessive primping.

2. Who says there are five causes?
(a) Plato.
(b) Sophocles.
(c) Aristotle.
(d) Seneca.

3. According to Posidinus, who ruled in the past time?
(a) Historians.
(b) Philosophers.
(c) Mathmeticians.
(d) Gods.

4. What does Seneca say prepares the mind for philosophy?
(a) Fine arts.
(b) Religion.
(c) Meditations.
(d) Liberal arts.

5. Why does Seneca say he considered suicide once?
(a) He didn't feel loved or needed by society.
(b) He felt worthless.
(c) Out of consideration for his parents.
(d) To escape his illness.

6. According to Seneca in Letter LXXXVIII, what should man strive to become?
(a) A religious man.
(b) A learned man.
(c) A good man.
(d) A pleasant man.

7. What creates certain habits of study and thought which are actually useful?
(a) Sciences.
(b) Fine arts.
(c) Liberal arts.
(d) Business studies.

8. What is a syllogism?
(a) A form of deductive reasoning/logic.
(b) Two words with the same number of syllables and same meanings.
(c) Two words that sound alike but have different meanings.
(d) A word or phrase with repetitive consonants.

9. What is caused by the flaunting of one's possessions?
(a) Greed.
(b) Bitterness.
(c) Envy.
(d) Happiness.

10. Which of Seneca's friends grieved the burning of the town discussed in Letter XCI?
(a) Liberalis.
(b) Tibius.
(c) Flaccus.
(d) Lucilius.

11. What includes the studies of literature, rhetoric and history?
(a) Bachelor of arts.
(b) Liberal arts.
(c) Fine arts.
(d) Still life art.

12. How can a person be prepared for any tragedy that might happen?
(a) Calm events = calm people.
(b) Don't serve wine at any event.
(c) Plan every last detail so you have a firm schedule.
(d) Imagine all the situations, then you won't be surprised.

13. What do the friends Seneca talks about in Letter LXV compare to concepts by Aristotle and Plato?
(a) Seneca's thoughts about death.
(b) The Stoic concept of causation.
(c) Arelius' thoughts about life.
(d) Zeno's concept of relationships.

14. What does Seneca give advice about coping with in Letter LXXVIII?
(a) Grief.
(b) Illness.
(c) Love.
(d) Religious faith.

15. How does Seneca spend most of his day?
(a) Praying.
(b) Dreaming.
(c) In study.
(d) Exercising.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Posidinius?

2. According to Seneca, what should a person use to guide his life?

3. According to Letter XCI, what town was destroyed by fire?

4. According to Seneca, what destroyed man's harmonic relationship with nature?

5. According to Seneca, what is death?

(see the answer keys)

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