Let the Circle Be Unbroken Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Let the Circle Be Unbroken Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stacey say about being home?
(a) "Home is where family is."
(b) "It's the very best place to be."
(c) "There is no place like home."
(d) "Home is where the heart is."

2. Why do the other farmers have to do what the Turners did to their crop?
(a) Because they are at the whim of white government officials.
(b) There was a miscalculation and they won't receive their government money if they don't tear out the required crop.
(c) They were supposed to plant corn instead of cotton.
(d) They already spent their government check and can't give it back.

3. What does Cassie do when she sees her brother Stacey is changing?
(a) She tells her mother he is being mean.
(b) She gets angry because he ignores her.
(c) She follows him around.
(d) She listens to his phone conversations.

4. What happens when Suzella enrolls in the Mississippi school system?
(a) She is in Cassie's class.
(b) She is immediately skipped to grade 11 - 12.
(c) She is disliked because she is a city girl.
(d) She is tested.

5. Who accompanies Mrs. Lee Annie into the courthouse?
(a) Mama, Mrs. Ellis and Cassie
(b) Wordell, Cassie and Mama
(c) Big Ma, Mama and Cassie
(d) Papa and Mama Logan and Cassie

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mr. Granger convince the crowd that the union is a bad idea?

2. Why did Wordell kill the cat?

3. How does Papa describe their family without Stacey?

4. At church, it is discovered that Jacey Peters is pregnant. Who is rumored to be the father?

5. What does Cassie overhear when Papa leaves his bedroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. News is expected that may pertain to Stacey on the same day Mrs. Lee Annie is to register to vote. Explain what the Logans do.

2. Describe what happens when the Logan's discover Stacey is gone.

3. What impact does the arrival of Suzella have on Cassie?

4. List several of the reasons Stacey wants to get a job, even if doing so is against the wishes of his family.

5. Describe what Stacey says about his experience after leaving home to work in the cane fields.

6. What are the demands of the farmers who arrived in front of the courthouse?

7. Why is Dube Cross in favor of the union?

8. In the final chapter, what does the Sheriff reveal about why he is letting Stacey and Moe go?

9. What information do the Logans get about Stacey?

10. Discuss what seems to happen between Cassie and Suzella after Cassie gets in trouble for losing her temper in school.

(see the answer keys)

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