A Lesson before Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Lesson before Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From whom does Grant get the money for the item in #124?
(a) Thelma and Joe Claiborne
(b) Bourgon
(c) Guidry
(d) Vivian

2. Jefferson asks that Miss Emma be told that he __________ to his execution.
(a) Skipped
(b) Walked
(c) Crawled
(d) Sobbed

3. Who is disgusted by Grant's behavior?
(a) Thelma
(b) Miss Emma
(c) Vivian
(d) Edna

4. Grant suggests that Bonin tell his students about Jefferson's ________.
(a) Smile
(b) Courage
(c) Execution
(d) Sense of humor

5. What do Tante Lou, Miss Emma and Reverend Ambrose call the radio?
(a) A piece of junk
(b) A sin box
(c) A plesant treat
(d) A necessity

6. Who does Grant dedicate the Christmas program to?
(a) Grope
(b) Vivian
(c) Jefferson
(d) Miss Emma

7. Who gives Jefferson a haircut in prison?
(a) Bonin
(b) Miss Emma
(c) Grant
(d) Another prisoner

8. What does Grant bring with him when he next sees Jefferson?
(a) A piece of fruit
(b) Sweet potatoes
(c) A new pencil
(d) A bible

9. What does Grant tell Jefferson he has a responsibility to do?
(a) Be a good man
(b) Be kinder to Miss Emma
(c) Become an educated man
(d) Learn to read

10. When Jefferson wants to talk about his execution, what does Grant talk about?
(a) The weather
(b) The execution
(c) Miss Emma
(d) His school's Christmas program

11. What moves through the town, causing people to become anxious and nervous?
(a) An unnatural fog
(b) The truck carrying the electric chair
(c) A stranger in black
(d) A heavy rain

12. What is Miss Emma doing when Grant arrives?
(a) Crying
(b) Lying on a bed
(c) Praying
(d) Making coffee

13. What does Miss Emma tell Jefferson she wants for him?
(a) Peace
(b) Happiness
(c) To ask for God's forgiveness
(d) To pray for her

14. Who is late in arriving to visit with Jefferson, but does not offer any explanation?
(a) Miss Emma
(b) Grant
(c) Reverend Ambrose
(d) Tante Lou

15. What does Reverend Ambrose have to say about Jefferson?
(a) He's not a grateful godson
(b) He ain't saved
(c) He's gonna die well
(d) He's a bad man

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Vivian think is in love with Grant?

2. What is the weather like as the Christmas program approaches?

3. Grant knows that Jefferson is dead when the butterfly leaves ________________.

4. What else does Grant bring to Jefferson for his cell?

5. Which doctor does Guidry suggest calling for Miss Emma?

(see the answer keys)

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