A Lesson before Dying Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Lesson before Dying Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grant say that angers his lover?
(a) That he is not a good teacher
(b) Says that he wants to run away with her
(c) That he wants to leave her
(d) Says he is a bad person

2. How long until this person in #28 can visit Jefferson?
(a) A month
(b) A couple of weeks
(c) A week
(d) The next day

3. Who grabs a gun and starts shooting?
(a) Grope
(b) Jefferson
(c) Bear
(d) Brother

4. Who is told that they are 'smart. Maybe you're just a little too smart for our own good'?
(a) Grant
(b) Jefferson
(c) Pichot
(d) Ambrose

5. Who is upset with Jefferson's fate and pours herself a drink?
(a) Edna Guidry
(b) Vivian
(c) Inez
(d) Irene

6. The Reverend Ambrose tells Miss Emma that God is just ____________.
(a) Testing her
(b) Being quiet
(c) Not interested in saving Jefferson
(d) Vengeful

7. What does this person give to Grant?
(a) A handkerchief
(b) A soda
(c) An anthology
(d) Money

8. How did Grant's teacher say he would be broken down as?
(a) A hog
(b) A fool
(c) A nigger
(d) A dog

9. What does the superintendent inspect on the children?
(a) Their teeth
(b) Their feet
(c) Their heads
(d) Their hands

10. Where is Vivian's husband?
(a) At home
(b) In the other room
(c) Houston
(d) Delaware

11. What does Grant notice through the barred window?
(a) Blue sky and yelllow leaves
(b) Dark clouds
(c) Spring buds
(d) Darkness

12. Who reminds Grant that the visits will end at the first sign of trouble?
(a) Pichot
(b) Edna Guidry
(c) Rougon
(d) Sam Guidry

13. What does Grant not want to spend his life doing?
(a) Living in this town
(b) Being bored
(c) Teaching children on a plantation
(d) Being oppressed

14. What are the two men discussing with Joe Claiborne?
(a) Basketball
(b) Work
(c) Jackie Robinson
(d) Drinking stories

15. What do the children do when they're not in school?
(a) They work in the fields
(b) They read a lot of books
(c) They play
(d) They perform musicals

Short Answer Questions

1. What color was Grant's teacher's skin?

2. What grades does Grant teach in his classroom?

3. Who is the maid at the house in #7?

4. What does Miss Emma want Pichot to do?

5. As the women go to church, what does Grant do?

(see the answer keys)

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