A Lesson before Dying Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Lesson before Dying Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Grant going to tell Miss Emma that Jefferson ate and enjoyed?
(a) The bread
(b) The corn
(c) The chicken
(d) The pralines

2. What are the two men discussing with Joe Claiborne?
(a) Drinking stories
(b) Work
(c) Basketball
(d) Jackie Robinson

3. How long until this person in #28 can visit Jefferson?
(a) The next day
(b) A week
(c) A month
(d) A couple of weeks

4. When is Grant going to visit Jefferson again?
(a) The next Tuesday
(b) That day
(c) Never
(d) On Friday

5. Who does NOT press Grant for details about his visit with Jefferson?
(a) Miss Emma
(b) Reverend Ambrose
(c) Tante Lou
(d) Vivian

6. What did Miss Emma send for Jefferson to enjoy?
(a) Fruit
(b) Turkey
(c) Cornbread
(d) Home made candy

7. Why does Grant whack the student on the head with a ruler?
(a) Because the student is crying
(b) Because the student was asleep
(c) Because the student was playing with a bug
(d) Because the student sassed him

8. How had Grant been taught to avoid this kind of humiliation?
(a) He hadn't been taught that.
(b) Through money
(c) Through persistence
(d) Through education

9. Grant tells a student to leave the classroom. Why?
(a) Because she made a smart remark
(b) Because she is unable to control her emotions
(c) Because he looks like Jefferson
(d) Because he was mean to another student

10. Where is the courthouse located?
(a) New Orleans
(b) Birmingham
(c) Baton Rouge
(d) Bayonne

11. What does the superintendent mistakenly call Grant?
(a) Smith
(b) Higgins
(c) Wiggins
(d) Joe

12. How early does Grant go to Pichot's home?
(a) 5 minutes early
(b) 10 minutes early
(c) 60 minutes early
(d) 40 minutes early

13. Who grabs a gun and starts shooting?
(a) Jefferson
(b) Grope
(c) Brother
(d) Bear

14. What did Miss Emma do when Jefferson said he is a hog being fattened for the slaughter?
(a) Hit him with a book
(b) Yell for the guard
(c) Nothing
(d) Slap him

15. Where is Vivian from originally?
(a) Miami
(b) Austin
(c) Free LaCove
(d) Myrtle Beach

Short Answer Questions

1. Vivian insists that they __________, as it would not be fair to Tante Lou to not do this.

2. What does Vivian suggest Grant do to pass the time?

3. What did Grant's teacher tell Grant to do?

4. Who does Grant see joking that makes him question his role as a teacher?

5. Grant is worried that the guards will do what when he goes to the jail on his own?

(see the answer keys)

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