The Last of the Mohicans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Mohicans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Chased by Uncas and the white men, where does Magua go?
(a) to the cave where Cora is
(b) to the Huron village
(c) to the river
(d) to the Delaware camp

2. Who plans to join the war party?
(a) Alice and Hawkeye
(b) Heyward and Hawkeye
(c) Heyward and David
(d) David and Chingachgook

3. How is Hawkeye dressed as they escape?
(a) as a medicine man
(b) in David's clothes
(c) still as a bear
(d) in a Huron robe

4. What resistance does Cora put up?
(a) Near a cliff, she refuses to go farther.
(b) She threatens to jump off the cliff.
(c) Near the river, she jumps in.
(d) She grabs a knife and tries to kill a Huron.

5. Who does Magua take with the chief's permission?
(a) Hawkeye
(b) Heyward
(c) Cora
(d) Alice

6. What do Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook do to confuse those following them?
(a) set fire to their canoes
(b) pretend to build a camp
(c) split up and leave three trails
(d) put down a false trail

7. When Heywood hears something, who does he turn to?
(a) He asks a private to check.
(b) He asks Chingachgook to check.
(c) He asks Hawkeye to check.
(d) He asks Uncas to check.

8. What weapon does David insist he can use?
(a) a knife
(b) a pistol
(c) a spear
(d) a sling

9. What choice does Magua give Cora?
(a) his wigwam or his knife
(b) a knife in the heart or being tossed off the cliff
(c) the life of Alice if she agrees to marry him
(d) being scalped dead or alive

10. What does Chingachgook say over the body of his son?
(a) that he is now the last Mohican
(b) the he will kill himself to join his son
(c) that he will revenge Uncas' death
(d) that the Great spirit is unfair

11. Who sings over the grave of Cora?
(a) David
(b) Alice
(c) Chingachgook
(d) Heyward

12. What assurance does Hawkeye give Chingachgook?
(a) that he will never be alone
(b) that there will be a resurrection
(c) that Uncas is in the Happy Hunting Ground
(d) that he will get a government pension

13. Who is brought into the circle with Cora?
(a) Col. Munro, Alice, and David
(b) Alice, Heyward, and Hawkeye
(c) David, Uncas, and Chingachgook
(d) Magua, Hawkeye, and Chingachgook

14. Who does Magua say is in the Delaware camp?
(a) Heyward
(b) Le Longue Carabine
(c) Uncas
(d) Gamut

15. What do the two Huron with Magua start to do?
(a) fight over who gets Cora
(b) throw Cora off the cliff
(c) dump Cora in the river
(d) kill Cora with their tomahawks

Short Answer Questions

1. How do they know their passage across the lake is discovered?

2. What is the rumor Tamenund refers to?

3. What is the Delaware chief's response when Magua offers to take Cora off his hands?

4. What gave the Huron the idea that David is insane?

5. Why do the Huron allow David to come and go?

(see the answer keys)

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