The Last of the Mohicans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Mohicans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the man Heywood sees approaching the Huron camp?
(a) a French deserter
(b) the bedraggled singer, David Gamut
(c) another Oneida
(d) Le Renard

2. What does Chingachgook declare after Uncas is buried?
(a) that the time has come
(b) that the light has gone out
(c) that everything will be all right
(d) that he is alone

3. Where does Hawkeye find Alice?
(a) in a cavern surrounded by plunder
(b) in a grjoup of Huron women
(c) hiding under a bear skin
(d) tied to a tree

4. What is Heywood's plan?
(a) to be painted as a Huron and go into the village
(b) to be painted as a clown and go to the village as a juggler
(c) to be painted black and go into the village at night
(d) to be painted blue and pretend to be ill

5. What is the Delaware chief's response when Magua offers to take Cora off his hands?
(a) He says that Cora is welcome.
(b) He laughs and says no.
(c) He asks for a high price.
(d) He pretends he does not understand.

6. What do the two Huron with Magua start to do?
(a) fight over who gets Cora
(b) throw Cora off the cliff
(c) kill Cora with their tomahawks
(d) dump Cora in the river

7. How do they know their passage across the lake is discovered?
(a) a clamor of whooping on an island
(b) the sound of drums
(c) a bullet fired and a shrill yell
(d) a white flag flying

8. How is Chingachgook disguised?
(a) as another bear
(b) as a large otter
(c) as a tree
(d) as a wolf

9. Where is Cora while the war plans proceed?
(a) back in the Huron village
(b) riding behind Magua
(c) in a cave guarded by Huron
(d) tied to a tree

10. What is Heyward hoping for as he wanders around the Huron village?
(a) to entertain the children
(b) to find something to eat
(c) to find a sign of Alice
(d) to find a wife

11. What does David report?
(a) that the girls are tied to a tree
(b) that the girls are unspoiled
(c) that the girls are both sick
(d) that the Huron quarrel over the girls

12. Where do the Huron think Alice, Heyward, and Hawkeye are?
(a) out on the lake
(b) off looking for Cora
(c) the Delaware camp
(d) back at the fort

13. What stops the Delaware from torturing Uncas?
(a) his challenge to Magua
(b) his quick wits
(c) his turtle tattoo
(d) his superior strength

14. What gave the Huron the idea that David is insane?
(a) his playing the harmonica
(b) his dancing during the killing
(c) his funny walk
(d) his song during the killing

15. What happens to the boy sent to collect rifles?
(a) He is shot in the arm.
(b) He is given a hero's welcome.
(c) He is killed.
(d) He escapes any danger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does David tell the Huron the bear is going to do to Uncas?

2. What is Heywood left alone with in the cave?

3. Where does Uncas locate a sign of the group they are pursuing?

4. In the Huron village, what does Uncas tell Heyward?

5. Why is one of the Huron killed in the camp?

(see the answer keys)

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