The Kiss of the Spider Woman Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kiss of the Spider Woman Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1

• Molina and Valentin are two prisoners, speaking to each other while in jail.

• Molina talks in great detail about pictures he has seen.

• The picture Molina describes is about a woman named Irena.

• Irena is in the zoo, drawing pictures of a black panther.

• An architect starts a conversation with Irena and plans to meet her the next day.

• The man and Irena go out to lunch and eventually fall in love.

• Irena is afraid of a legend from her mountain village - when a man kisses a woman from her village, she will turn into a savage beast.

• The man marries her but becomes tired of not being able to be intimate with her.

Chapter 2

• Molina and Valentin are finishing up a dinner Molina has just cooked.

• Molina says he is a social activist and trying to better the world.

• Valentin wants to know more about...

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