King Rat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Rat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marlowe wish?
(a) That the King would leave Marlowe alone.
(b) That he had taken the $108 dollar commission.
(c) That the Allies would get there.
(d) That life could be simple again and he could talk to God without shame.

2. What does Timsen not guarantee?
(a) If he can find some quinine.
(b) If the treatment will be effective.
(c) If he can find the ring.
(d) If the doctor will agree.

3. What is the show called that Sean is about to premiere?
(a) King Rat.
(b) Shogun.
(c) Circle.
(d) Triangle.

4. What does Shagata do?
(a) Kills Tex by accident when Tex trips and falls against him.
(b) Authenticates the ring, hands over the money, and leaves.
(c) Tells them the deal is off.
(d) Take the ring and the money.

5. What does Marlowe recall as they are fumigating the bed?
(a) Why he was captured.
(b) His wife.
(c) The first prison Marlowe was in.
(d) His young son and daughter.

6. Why does the King slap Marlowe?
(a) It is an accident.
(b) He is demonstrating a judo technique.
(c) He is angry with Marlowe.
(d) To force him to concentrate.

7. How long does Yoshima's staff search to find the new radio?
(a) 5 days.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) 1 day.
(d) 10 hours.

8. Who confronts the King and Marlowe after they go away from the MPs?
(a) A man with a mask and a small pistol.
(b) The Korean guards.
(c) Col. Brant.
(d) Four men in masks with heavy sticks.

9. What secret of Grey's does the King know?
(a) That Grey is not a British citizen.
(b) That Grey cheated to get an officer's commission.
(c) Who Grey's stoolie is.
(d) That Grey's wife is frigid.

10. Why does the King choose Timsen to reveal the rat operation to?
(a) He is the only Australian the King trusts.
(b) He used to be in animal husbandry.
(c) He was a butcher in his civilian life.
(d) He is not squeamish.

11. What does Marlowe bargain out of Sutra?
(a) A hen.
(b) A piglet.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A radio.

12. What does Marlowe wonder about when he encounters Hawkins?
(a) If Hawkins plans any revenge.
(b) If Hawkins knows his dog was eaten.
(c) If Hawkins cries about his dog.
(d) Why Hawkins is all beat up.

13. Where does Townsend get the ring?
(a) It is a family heirloom.
(b) It was a gift he bought before being captured.
(c) From a dead soldier on the march to Changi.
(d) From Gurble on the day Gurble commits suicide.

14. What does the King promise if Marlowe will go bury the money in the jungle?
(a) To save Marlowe's arm.
(b) To help him meet up with Sulina again.
(c) To give him some of his bodyguards if needed.
(d) To give Marlowe half of the profits.

15. How do Marlowe and Ewart fumigate the bed?
(a) With petroleum.
(b) With a concoction made from bamboo roots.
(c) With fire.
(d) With linseed oil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who runs interference for King and Marlowe as they try to escape with the money?

2. What is borehole detail?

3. What does Shagata report?

4. About what is Ewart furious?

5. To whom does Marlowe send coconuts?

(see the answer keys)

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