King Rat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Rat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who cleaned up Marlowe when he was first captured?
(a) Larkin and Mccoy.
(b) Lt. Grey.
(c) Steven.
(d) Sgt. Masters.

2. Who runs interference for King and Marlowe as they try to escape with the money?
(a) Smedly-Taylor.
(b) Tex and Max.
(c) Steven and Max.
(d) Max and McCoy.

3. Why does Lt. Grey place Marlowe under arrest?
(a) For selling a fountain pen to a Korean guard.
(b) For eating dog.
(c) For not distributing the coconuts fairly.
(d) For disobeying orders.

4. What does Marlowe wish?
(a) That he had taken the $108 dollar commission.
(b) That life could be simple again and he could talk to God without shame.
(c) That the Allies would get there.
(d) That the King would leave Marlowe alone.

5. What do some men wonder about Marlowe and the King?
(a) If they will go into business together after the war.
(b) If the King is paying Marlowe.
(c) If they are lovers.
(d) If Marlowe has something on the King.

6. Why does the King trip?
(a) He has his shoes on the wrong feet.
(b) To trip Grey and make it look like an accident.
(c) To give Marlowe a chance to get away with the money.
(d) He missess seeing a root sticking up out of the ground.

7. About what is Samson envious concerning Marlowe?
(a) That Marlowe has three laying hens.
(b) That Marlowe is close to the King.
(c) That Marlowe has gone outside the wire several times.
(d) That Marlowe has a gorgeous wife.

8. Who gets a letter from his wife?
(a) McCoy.
(b) Larkin.
(c) Timsen.
(d) Marlowe.

9. What is the show called that Sean is about to premiere?
(a) King Rat.
(b) Circle.
(c) Shogun.
(d) Triangle.

10. What does Marlowe recall as they are fumigating the bed?
(a) Why he was captured.
(b) His wife.
(c) The first prison Marlowe was in.
(d) His young son and daughter.

11. What does the King ask Timsen?
(a) To get some antitoxin and sulfonamide powder.
(b) To find the ring.
(c) To cut in on the ring profits to find some quinine for Tex.
(d) Nothing.

12. What does Marlowe believe about the war?
(a) It will never end.
(b) It will drag on for several more years.
(c) It is almost over.
(d) It no longer matters.

13. Who confronts the King and Marlowe after they go away from the MPs?
(a) The Korean guards.
(b) Four men in masks with heavy sticks.
(c) Col. Brant.
(d) A man with a mask and a small pistol.

14. What does Marlowe bargain out of Sutra?
(a) A hen.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A piglet.
(d) A radio.

15. What does Grey find on the King when he catches him?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A watch.
(c) A couple dollars.
(d) A pipe.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does the King actually get from the Korean guard?

2. What does Marlowe talk about to Sutra?

3. What does Hawkins' dog do?

4. What does the King do with the ring?

5. What does McCoy say to Larkin about Prouty?

(see the answer keys)

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