A Jury of Her Peers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Jury of Her Peers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of Susan Glaspell's father?
(a) James. R. Glaspell.
(b) Elmer S. Glaspell.
(c) Forrest C. Glaspell.
(d) Theodore L. Glaspell.

2. What is beside the wooden bucket on a low shelf in the kitchen?
(a) A stock pot.
(b) A paper bag.
(c) A knife.
(d) A sweater.

3. Before Mr. Hale began his story, he looked "as if standing in that kitchen and having to tell what he had seen there yesterday morning made him" ____________.
(a) Want to throw up.
(b) Want to leave.
(c) Almost turn blue.
(d) Almost sick.

4. What is Mrs. Hale in the middle of making when she must leave her kitchen in the beginning of the story?
(a) Pancakes.
(b) Bread.
(c) Cookies.
(d) Eggs.

5. What does Mrs. Peters attempt to put in her handbag before they leave the house?
(a) An apron.
(b) Some jewelry.
(c) A towel.
(d) The box.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Hale suddenly become worried about regarding her son in the beginning of the story?

2. What does Mr. Hale say Mrs. Wright had responded when he asked "Ho' do, Mrs. Wright? It's cold, ain't it?"

3. What does Mrs. Hale notice about the kitchen table when she is alone with Mrs. Peters?

4. When was Susan Glaspell born?

5. Where was Mrs. Wright when Mr. Hale had entered the Wright house the previous day?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the response of the men when they discover the women examining the sewing basket?

2. What condescending comments are made of the women as the men disappear upstairs?

3. What happens after Mr. Hale finishes his story of the previous day's events?

4. What does Mrs. Hale remark to Mrs. Peters about the lack of children in the home and Mr. Wright's personality when the women are alone?

5. How does the theme of guilt apply to Mrs. Hale in the narrative?

6. What did Mrs. Wright do when Mr. Hale attempted to make small talk?

7. How do the men respond to Mrs. Wright's worry about her preserves?

8. When Mr. Hale questioned Mrs. Wright about her husband's murder, what did she inform him?

9. What indication does Mrs. Wright give in front of Mr. Henderson that Mr. Wright was unpleasant?

10. What is suspicious about the choice of weapon used in the murder? What do the women remark about it?

(see the answer keys)

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