Jumping the Nail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jumping the Nail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mike's house look like inside?
(a) Like a home built in the 1980's.
(b) Hardwood floors, glass walls and amazing views.
(c) It looks like a very fancy log cabin.
(d) It is mostly redwood inside.

2. With what does Diane present Elisa and Scooter?
(a) Two gold plated nails.
(b) Two shields of cardboard with an emblem of a nail on them.
(c) Coral swords.
(d) Seaweed crowns.

3. What does Dru offer Elisa?
(a) A handkerchief.
(b) A cup of coffee.
(c) A warm jacket.
(d) A ride.

4. What does Mike's father think of the California university system?
(a) He thinks it has fallen behind many states.
(b) He believes it is the best one in America.
(c) He thinks it costs too much money.
(d) He has no opinion.

5. What does Dru say about the police?
(a) She knows a sergeant there.
(b) She could call the officer who came to their school.
(c) She does not think they care what happens at the Nail.
(d) She will talk to her father about the police.

6. What does Diane do when she comes up to Mike and Dru?
(a) Tells Dru that she cannot wait for Dru to leave town.
(b) Asks Mike to dance.
(c) Only pays attention to Mike.
(d) Spills her drink on Dru's blouse.

7. What does Dru tell Mike when he calls?
(a) They have to tell about the jumping immediately.
(b) She is not coming to dinner that night.
(c) She thinks he should talk to Hopi again.
(d) She would never jump the Nail.

8. What does Dru tell Elisa?
(a) She is not bad with a sword.
(b) She does not have to do what Scooter tells her.
(c) She looks good with the shield.
(d) She can leave with Dru and Mike.

9. What is Diane wearing at the celebration?
(a) A dress with dolphins on it.
(b) A skirt and blouse.
(c) A pair of jeans.
(d) A mermaid dress.

10. What does Dru tell Tom about what Elisa saw?
(a) That the water is not cold but hard.
(b) That there is a ghost in the water.
(c) That there is a wrecked ship in the water.
(d) That there is an old car in the water.

11. Where do Dru and Mike go for a walk from the party?
(a) On the boardwalk.
(b) In the neighborhood.
(c) At the mall.
(d) On the beach.

12. What is Dru's response to Elisa?
(a) She is not afraid of ghosts.
(b) She is safe with Mike.
(c) She tells Elisa the boy's name is Michael.
(d) She wants Elisa to go to the hospital.

13. What does Dru tell Tom?
(a) Love is not always easy.
(b) To pay no attention to Diane.
(c) There are many other girls besides Diane.
(d) He may get hurt.

14. What does Mike say about the police?
(a) They are never at the Nail.
(b) They cannot wait to catch someone in the act.
(c) They have arrested Scooter.
(d) They could get Tom for underaged drinking.

15. Why does Dru stop trying to talk to Tom?
(a) He sees Diane and goes to her.
(b) Mike comes up and kisses her.
(c) He has shut her off.
(d) Diane comes up and smiles at him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mike's younger sister's name?

2. What does Elisa warn Dru about at the party?

3. What does Dru's mother tell her when she gets home?

4. Why has Dru never been inside Mike's house?

5. What kind of light is available at the top of the Nail?

(see the answer keys)

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