Jumping the Nail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jumping the Nail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dru offer Elisa?
(a) A warm jacket.
(b) A cup of coffee.
(c) A handkerchief.
(d) A ride.

2. What does Dru say about the police?
(a) She could call the officer who came to their school.
(b) She knows a sergeant there.
(c) She will talk to her father about the police.
(d) She does not think they care what happens at the Nail.

3. What is the name of Tom's twin?
(a) Jeremy.
(b) Anderson.
(c) Grant.
(d) Matthew.

4. What does Dru's oldest sister ask her?
(a) If Dru is coming to visit before college.
(b) Why she is so worried.
(c) What she would do if Mike asks Dru to jump.
(d) If it is true their parents have split up.

5. What does Dru's mother want for her?
(a) That she do well in school.
(b) That she do whatever she wants.
(c) That she has a practical education.
(d) That she have money and security.

6. What does Mike's father think of the California university system?
(a) He has no opinion.
(b) He believes it is the best one in America.
(c) He thinks it has fallen behind many states.
(d) He thinks it costs too much money.

7. What does Dru promise Elisa?
(a) Dru will stay with her.
(b) She will not let Scooter push Elisa.
(c) She will not let Scooter go with another girl.
(d) She will call the police.

8. What do Dru and her mother do when they finish talking?
(a) They have a cup of tea.
(b) They go to bed.
(c) They watch a movie.
(d) They watch the late night news.

9. What does Dru's oldest sister do?
(a) Is a nurse.
(b) Is in law school.
(c) Studies music.
(d) Teaches school.

10. What kind of feeling does Dru have when she and Mike are walking?
(a) Feeling happy.
(b) Feeling like he will wait for her.
(c) A feeling of sadness.
(d) A feeling of urgency.

11. What is the name of Dru's oldest sister?
(a) Deborah.
(b) Claire.
(c) Priscilla.
(d) Pauline.

12. What does Dru's mother tell her when she gets home?
(a) She is going on a business trip.
(b) Dru's father is leaving her.
(c) They have been invited to Mike's house.
(d) She is leaving Dru's father.

13. What does Mike say to Tom?
(a) He is right, jumping does not make someone a hero.
(b) Do not jump.
(c) Diane is who she is.
(d) Don't go home so early.

14. Who does Dru see while she is doing the activity in question # 154?
(a) A homeless man.
(b) Elisa.
(c) Diane and Mike.
(d) Tom.

15. What does Dru's mother say to her about Mike?
(a) Dru should stay in town or he will find someone else.
(b) He is just like his father.
(c) He is a spoiled brat.
(d) He is only out to sleep with Dru.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mike say to her about how he feels?

2. What does Diane proclaim Scooter and Elisa?

3. Who do Mike and Dru see while walking?

4. What does Dru say to Elisa about boys?

5. What does Dru's mother wish to see?

(see the answer keys)

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