July's People Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

July's People Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By the end of Section 7, how does Maureen feel about Bam, after this journey?
(a) She no longer sees him as the same person.
(b) She loves him more.
(c) She is disgusted by him.
(d) She is angry with him.

2. What does Bam ask about Maureen’s actions with the small animals born in their hut?
(a) Why she did it.
(b) Why she didn’t give them away.
(c) Why she didn’t have one of the villagers do it.
(d) Why she didn’t shoot them.

3. What happened to Nora’s husband?
(a) He disappeared.
(b) He died.
(c) He was hired at the mines.
(d) He left her.

4. At the end of the book, what does Maureen hear that is different than usual sounds?
(a) A helicopter.
(b) A riverboat.
(c) A group of English people.
(d) Laughter from the town women.

5. What does Maureen tell July in Section 10 about the bakke he so desires?
(a) It is not his to keep.
(b) It will eventually come to ruin.
(c) It is now dangerous to keep.
(d) It is stolen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the children bring to help the small animals born in their hut?

2. Why do the Smalls lead their children away from the party in Section 9?

3. What do Daniel and July do when they see the chief in Section 8?

4. What is a gumbagumba?

5. In Section 10, who do the Smalls first think of in the theft of an object from their hut?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Gina and the kids are so readily accepted, but Bam and Maureen are not?

2. What is missing when the Smalls arrive back at the hut in Section 9, and what does this likely mean for the family?

3. Explain how July sees his chief.

4. What does Bam mean when he says July is “shrewdy”?

5. What does it imply that the chief can speak in English, but doesn’t at first?

6. Explain how Maureen feels about her husband after living in the village for a time.

7. Describe the gumba-gumba, and the resulting party atmosphere.

8. Explain Maureen’s feelings about her life, prior to the riots, as reflected upon in Section 9.

9. Describe Maureen’s point about the smell of her family.

10. Why do you think Maureen runs for the helicopter at the end of the novel, leaving her family behind?

(see the answer keys)

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