Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Don Juan tells Castaneda to look without __________ until he sees something before him.
(a) Breathing
(b) Blinking
(c) Staying still
(d) Moving

2. What does Don Genaro admit to not being afraid of since he does have allies?
(a) Phantoms
(b) Mistakes
(c) Evil spirits
(d) La Catalina

3. What does Don Juan demand when he and Castaneda arrive at the desired location out of town?
(a) Singing
(b) Silence
(c) Blood
(d) Money

4. When Don Juan tells Castaneda to act normal, he instructs him to __________.
(a) Write
(b) Dance
(c) Sleep
(d) Sing

5. As Castaneda looks at the horizon, he begins to see the _______ of the world that Don Juan and Don Genaro talk about.
(a) Answers
(b) Colors
(c) Mysteries
(d) Lines

6. What has Don Genaro done to the Castaneda's car, much to the disbelief of Castaneda?
(a) Repainted it
(b) Nothing
(c) Burned it to cinders
(d) Made it disappear

7. What does Don Juan want Castaneda to move his eyes back and forth along?
(a) The ground
(b) The stars
(c) The mountains
(d) The bank of fog

8. Don Juan tricked Castaneda into confronting her for the purpose of finding Castaneda a ______________.
(a) New teacher
(b) Wife
(c) Power animal
(d) Worthy opponent

9. What is the yellow mass that Castaneda is told to stare at when he and Don Juan go to the desert?
(a) Cloth
(b) Bird
(c) Ghost
(d) Book

10. Don Juan admits he has seen his own death watching him and has danced to it as though he was __________.
(a) Crazy
(b) Peyote
(c) Death
(d) Dying

11. What does Castaneda see that makes him realize that he is just the same as this item?
(a) Car
(b) Kite
(c) Fog
(d) Beetle

12. A warrior acts as is if he has a ___________, trusting his personal power, according to Don Juan.
(a) Secret
(b) Plan
(c) Weapon
(d) Direction

13. Don Juan tells Castaneda that the rocks around him are not rocks, but rather they are _________ that hold him suspended.
(a) Spirits
(b) Glue
(c) Webs
(d) Strings

14. Don Juan uses a rock to show the idea of not-doing. "To look at it is ___________ but to see is __________."
(a) Something; nothing
(b) Doing; not-doing
(c) Nothing; something
(d) Not-doing; doing

15. Who advises against Don Juan and Castaneda staying the night at the rock place of power?
(a) La Catalina
(b) Don Juan
(c) Crow
(d) Castaneda

Short Answer Questions

1. The place of power is not a ___________, so there are no bones buried there as Castaneda guesses might be.

2. What does Don Juan tell Castaneda to use in order to relieve his muscles?

3. What kind of bed does Don Juan prepare for Castaneda when they are trying to prevent illness in Castaneda?

4. Castaneda's attempts to stop _________ with Don Genaro were disastrous, according to Castaneda.

5. What makes Castaneda and the item from #170 the same - Our __________ made us equal.

(see the answer keys)

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