Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who surrounds the women as they march to the camp?

2. What does Petukhov vow?

3. What strikes Ginzburg when talking with Tulub?

4. Who is Pickwick?

5. What does Kucherenko demand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ginzburg say about the ongoing political purges and how do some of the prisoners view the likely incarceration of some of those fallen under the most recent purges?

2. How does Ginzburg offer an act of forgiveness for the man who labeled Ginzburg a terrorist?

3. What routine do Julia and Ginzburg maintain?

4. What is it like for Ginzburg in her cell at the prison?

5. What happens that causes Julia and Ginzburg to eat their hoarded supply of sugar and bread?

6. How do Ginzburg and her mother write letters to each other in code and what is an example of one such letter?

7. What small joy do Ginzburg and the other prisoners enjoy when the Black Maria is late?

8. What range of sentences are the women whom Ginzburg meets given, and why does Ginzburg consider herself lucky?

9. What happens when the prisoners are held in a transfer camp?

10. What happens when Ginzburg is taken to Magadan Infirmary?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the following:

1. What do you think are the characteristics of a successful memoir?

2. Analyze and discuss Journey Into the Whirlwind based upon the criteria you decide upon in #1 and judge if Journey Into the Whirlwind is a successful memoir.

3. Do you think the criteria for a successful memoir should be different if it is written for adults versus young adults? Why or why not? Would most adults consider Journey Into the Whirlwind a successful memoir? What about young teens?

Essay Topic 2

There are a number of interesting questions raised by Journey Into the Whirlwind. Questions that Ginzburg most likely want readers to consider and think through carefully. Discuss the following:

1. What does the term "author agenda" mean?

2. Name one idea/concept you think may have been a part of the Ginzburg' agenda. Analyze that idea throughout the book and discuss Ginzburg' probable agenda concerning that idea.

2. Do you think writers who have an agenda for writing should point it out in a preface? Why or why not?

3. How often do you think memoir is written with a clear agenda in mind by the author?

4. Research the life of Ginzburg and see if/where her life may have influenced her writing.

Essay Topic 3

Many memoirs, and perhaps a majority, of memoirs ends on a happy note. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think many (most?) people want what they perceive as a happy or good ending to a memoir? Explain your opinion. Do you? Why or why not?

2. What are three reasons to read memoir? Discuss each one in light of Journey Into the Whirlwind and whether or not it fulfills all three, two or one of the reasons you mention. Give examples as to why Journey Into the Whirlwind is or is not successful in fulfilling the reasons you discuss.

3. Do you think reading solely for entertainment is as good a reason to read as any other? Why or why not? Can any work of fiction or non-fiction, no matter how poorly written, enlighten, teach, stimulate thought? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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