Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ginzburg's prison cell number at Yaroslavl?
(a) Twenty-one.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Fifteen.

2. About what do the female prisoners disagree?
(a) The need for purges.
(b) Stalin.
(c) The need to "behave."
(d) The innate goodness of humanity.

3. What do most of the women receive for sentences?
(a) 10-15 years.
(b) 1-4 years.
(c) 20-30 years.
(d) 5-8 years.

4. About what does Julia become optimistic?
(a) They would be released soon.
(b) She and Ginzburg would be transferred to a more humane prison.
(c) Her husband would get permission to visit her.
(d) The new prison Governor would be more benevolent.

5. What does Vasily Petukhov notice when he sees Ginzburg?
(a) She resembles her son.
(b) She should already have been realeased.
(c) She is able to read and write fluently.
(d) She never cries out when he beats her.

6. What is Ginzburg allowed at Magadan Infirmary?
(a) To receive letters from home.
(b) To eat better.
(c) To help care for the patients.
(d) To take baths.

7. What language does Ginzburg know that helps her get an easier assignment?
(a) Greek.
(b) German.
(c) Latin.
(d) French.

8. What is familiar about the journey the women are making?
(a) There's good medical care.
(b) It still has searches, meal routines and ration stops.
(c) They are each given two sets of good clothing.
(d) They have fairly decent food.

9. What is interesting about the prison library?
(a) There are copies of publicly-banned books.
(b) The books are all written by primarily English and American authors.
(c) They are stocked with books about God.
(d) Each book is only allowed to be checked out one time for one day.

10. Who surrounds the women as they march to the camp?
(a) The countryside.
(b) Guards and dogs.
(c) Male prisoners.
(d) Peasant farmers.

11. What does Nabob sentence Ginzburg to do?
(a) To spend three days in the underground punishment cell.
(b) To move to a cell by herself and where talk to no one else.
(c) To not eat for a week.
(d) To hand over all her writing materials.

12. What is done over the next three days?
(a) Good food is distributed.
(b) Indoctrination begins.
(c) Re-trials for some prisoners.
(d) Medical inspections.

13. How is Julia and Ginzburg's existence described?
(a) Structured.
(b) Fairly comfortable.
(c) Dismal.
(d) Bleak.

14. How does Ginzburg characterize Marya Dogadkina?
(a) A pleasant but incompetent supervisor.
(b) An angel.
(c) A devil.
(d) An illiterate peasant.

15. What does Ginzburg hear in the hall as her visitor leaves?
(a) Gunshots.
(b) Arguing.
(c) Singing.
(d) Screaming.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Ginzburg eat bread and a pound of sugar?

2. Whom does Ginzburg have in mind as she is writing her memoirs?

3. Why do the prisoners want the guards to open windows and other sources of fresh air?

4. What can Ginzburg not believe in reflecting upon what has happened to herself and others?

5. What are the women happy to do?

(see the answer keys)

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