Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Ginzburg's trial last?
(a) 10 hours.
(b) 7 minutes.
(c) Several days.
(d) 18 hours.

2. Where is Ginzburg put after her initial interrogations?
(a) In a courtyard with tents for shelter.
(b) In a dormitory with other political offenders.
(c) In a bleak prison with stone walls.
(d) In a cellar.

3. For how long does this form of interrogation last?
(a) 7 days.
(b) Several weeks.
(c) A few hours.
(d) 3 days.

4. To what series of books has Elvov contributed an article?
(a) A series on the famous painters of Russia.
(b) A series on the history of the Communist Party.
(c) A series on the fall of Czar Nicholas II.
(d) A series on the famous writers of Russia.

5. Where is Ginzburg sent at the opening of Chapter 19?
(a) Krasin Street Prison.
(b) Home.
(c) Siberia.
(d) St. Petersburg.

6. What is the ultimate outcome of the party meeting?
(a) Ginzburg's status is lowered at the University.
(b) Ginzburg is told she can give no more public lectures for two years.
(c) Ginzburg must submit a vociferously-worded condemnation of Trotsky.
(d) Ginzbug is reprimanded, but it is later canceled.

7. Who apologizes to Ginzburg?
(a) Yegereva.
(b) Sagidullin.
(c) Abdullin.
(d) Lyama.

8. What form of communications does Ginzburg learn?
(a) Knocking on walls.
(b) Number codes.
(c) Music.
(d) A form of shorthand.

9. What does Tsarevsky say about Elvov?
(a) He has killed himself.
(b) He has confessed against Ginzburg.
(c) He has confessed to participating in a plot against Stalin.
(d) He has said Ginzburg contacted him about killing another party member.

10. What does Ginzburg observe when she arrives in Moscow?
(a) Only the intelligentsia have been targeted.
(b) Her son is here.
(c) Her husband is here.
(d) The purges have been massive.

11. What does Yaroslavsky do concening Ginzburg?
(a) Denounces her.
(b) Tries to help her to flee the country.
(c) Trumps up evidence against her.
(d) Hides evidence against her.

12. What does Ginzburg notice is lacking where she is now?
(a) Kindness.
(b) Discipline.
(c) Older party members.
(d) Decent food.

13. Why is Elvov apologizing to Ginzburg?
(a) He misunderstood one of her articles and cut it from the series.
(b) He is unable to help her identify two anonymous Stalin spies.
(c) Her association with him may be costly to her.
(d) He is inaccurate in a quote from her.

14. How does Ginzburg describe Stalin?
(a) Handsome.
(b) Insane.
(c) Ugly and repulsive.
(d) Virile.

15. Why does a Chinese prisoner laugh one day during head count?
(a) One warden continually miscounts the prisoners.
(b) One warden has trouble counting past twenty.
(c) One prisoner is missing a leg and says he should only count as 1/2 a person.
(d) The warden trips over a threshold.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Pitkovskaya commit suicide?

2. What does Ginzburg call her mother-in-law?

3. Who is one person Zinaida Abramova says has been arrested?

4. What has Ginzburg heard is an indication she is about to be shot?

5. Who is Garey Sagidullin?

(see the answer keys)

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