Jesus' Son: Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jesus' Son: Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the police officer take the hitchhiking narrator following the car accident?
(a) To the narrator's house.
(b) To the hospital.
(c) To a shelter.
(d) To jail.

2. According to the narrator in Story 1, all of the following people had given the narrator drugs except for who?
(a) The Indian.
(b) The Student.
(c) The Teacher.
(d) The Salesman.

3. What does the narrator find inside his car in Story 2?
(a) A rabbit.
(b) A Bible.
(c) A man sleeping.
(d) A note.

4. Who was the naked woman flying over the river behind the boat in Story 5?
(a) Wayne's daughter.
(b) Wayne's wife.
(c) Wayne's girlfriend.
(d) Wayne's ex-fiance.

5. When asked by the semi-truck driver, "Is everybody dead?" How does the narrator respond?
(a) "I can't tell who is and who isn't."
(b) "No, not everbody."
(c) "How should I know."
(d) "Yes, everybody is dead."

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the narrator at the beginning of Story 2?

2. What does the narrator's "new companion" in Story 2 want from the narrator?

3. According to the narrator in Story 2, how does he feel about his child?

4. What is the weather like throughout Story 1?

5. Where does Dundun live?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Story 2, what three stops does the narrator's new companion have the narrator make? What occurs at each of the three stops?

2. Describe the character of Jack Hotel. Discuss the interaction he has with the narrator.

3. Discuss the scene where the narrator and his friends meet their new companion in Story 2.

4. Define the literary element of foreshadowing. How is this literary element used in Story 1?

5. Define the literary term of tone. What is the tone of Story 1?

6. At the end of Story 5, the narrator makes reference to his mother. Explain this reference and to whom is he referring to.

7. Discuss the mini-theme of the randomness of existence as seen in Story 1.

8. Show how and when the narrator's violent side is exposed in Story 2.

9. Who encourages the narrator of Story 5 to work with him? What type of work do they perform? Explain.

10. While working with Wayne at the abandoned house, what is the narrator and Wayne distracted by? Who is this person?

(see the answer keys)

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