Jeeves Takes Charge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jeeves Takes Charge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 2, whom does Bertie describe as a plague spot?
(a) Aunt Agatha.
(b) Bingo.
(c) Oswald.
(d) Jeeves.

2. When Bertie arrives in Ditteredge, where is Honoria?
(a) Swimming in the pond.
(b) Running a marathon.
(c) Teaching Classical Greek to the young.
(d) Visiting the Braythwayts.

3. What does Florence want Bertie to do with Willoughby's manuscript?
(a) Change details about her.
(b) Steal and destroy it.
(c) Translate it into French.
(d) Get it signed by the author.

4. When Bingo sees Dalphne, what happens?
(a) Roses appear falling as if from the clouds.
(b) He trips and falls in a rabbit hole.
(c) He falls in love at first sight.
(d) A dog bites him.

5. What does Jeeves like about Monte Carlo?
(a) His elderly Aunt Griselda lives there.
(b) Fishing.
(c) Weather.
(d) Gambling at the tables.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 3, what is the first way Bertie describes Honoria Glossop's laugh?

2. Where has Bertie been invited for Christmas?

3. What was Bertie's major challenge in the set-up of Chapter 3?

4. What does "S to the core" mean?

5. In Chapter 1, what is the title of the book Florence has given Bertie to read?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is it that Jeeves does upon arrival that endears him to Bertie?

2. Upon popping into the oyster bar at Buck's, who does Bertie run into?

3. What does the pastor, Old Heppenstall, do to Harold after the choir boy makes such a ruckus during the service?

4. What does the situation with Oswald remind Bertie of?

5. Once Bertie and Bingo no longer have an advantage in the Choir Boys' Handicap, what do they turn to for profit?

6. Why are Claude and Eustace in possession of a hat, a dead fish, and three cats?

7. Whom is Bingo Little in love with in Chapter 2?

8. What is the reaction of the crowd when Tuppy comes out to sing "Sonny Boy"?

9. In Chapter 6, why is Jeeves upset that Bertie wants to go to Skeldings for Christmas?

10. What are the Heralds of the Red Dawn doing in the park?

(see the answer keys)

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