Jeeves Takes Charge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jeeves Takes Charge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sir Roderick Glossop's head like?
(a) Dome of St. Paul's.
(b) Death Valley.
(c) Dense dark forest of northern Germany.
(d) Wheat fields of Kansas.

2. Who doesn't like Jeeves?
(a) Spenser.
(b) Oswald and Mr. Witherspoon.
(c) Honoria Glossop and Aunt Agatha.
(d) Dogs and old women.

3. What has Aunt Agatha convinced Sir Roderick of?
(a) Taking a vacation is good.
(b) Bertie is not actually insane.
(c) The best tea comes from China.
(d) Eating in moderation is the key.

4. In Chapter 3, what is the second way Bertie describes Honoria's laugh?
(a) Like the Scotch express going under a bridge.
(b) Great rumbling lashes of thunderous jolliness.
(c) Angels on holiday.
(d) Tinkling fairy bubbles bursting.

5. What is in the pick-me-up drink Jeeves brings to Bertie that first fateful morning?
(a) Coffee and walnut juice.
(b) Worcestershirer sauce, raw egg, and red pepper.
(c) Gin, vodka, and bourbon.
(d) Eye of the dog.

6. When Bingo sees Dalphne, what happens?
(a) He trips and falls in a rabbit hole.
(b) He falls in love at first sight.
(c) Roses appear falling as if from the clouds.
(d) A dog bites him.

7. What is the name of the pink-faced chappie?
(a) Butler.
(b) Edwin Craye.
(c) Jeeves.
(d) Old Dog-face, Lord Rainsby.

8. Who does Bertie run into at Buck's?
(a) Aunt Agatha.
(b) Bob White.
(c) The king of England.
(d) Bingo Little.

9. What does Lord Worplesdon like to dine in?
(a) Pajamas.
(b) Dress trousers, flannel shirt, and shooting coat.
(c) Full dress tuxedo with tails.
(d) The nude.

10. Where are Claude and Eustace being educated?
(a) Oxford.
(b) Harvard.
(c) Pittsford Primary School.
(d) University of California.

11. What is the problem with Bertie's scheme in Chapter 3?
(a) Honoria is not easily impressed by such things.
(b) Honoria is blinded by the light.
(c) Honoria thinks he's doing it because he is in love with her.
(d) He can't swim.

12. What does Bertie do after he drinks the hangover libation?
(a) Jumps out the window.
(b) Does a little jig.
(c) Throws up.
(d) Hires Jeeves as his valet.

13. In Chapter 5, what happens to Sir Roderick on his taxi ride on his way to visit Bertie for lunch?
(a) His hat is snatched from his head.
(b) He taxi driver is arrested for speeding.
(c) His taxi has a flat.
(d) The roof flies off his taxi.

14. What happened to Willoughby and Florence's father in 1887?
(a) They were born into nobility.
(b) Both were thrown out of a music hall.
(c) They ran off with the circus.
(d) They fought in the Prussian-Russian war.

15. What is the reason Bertie wants to go to Skeldings?
(a) Hide from Aunt Agatha.
(b) Get engaged to Roberta.
(c) Make better impression upon Sir Roderick.
(d) Revenge upon Tuppy Glossop.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Florence want Bertie to do with Willoughby's manuscript?

2. Where do the Glossops live?

3. Who is the butler for Uncle Willoughby?

4. What is the big trick when planning a singularly fruity binge or war maneuver?

5. Who is Edwin?

(see the answer keys)

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