I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Final Test - Hard

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Final Test - Hard

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many times does Georg send the Klemperers money in 1938?

2. Most of the Jews in the ghetto consider an amphibious landing in England:

3. Which two countries enter the war in 1939, along with Poland?

4. Bombings occur in the West, then in Berlin, and then occasionally in:

5. Why does Klemperer begin to send out job applications to other countries?

Short Essay Questions

1. In 1937, Klemperer, as always, worried about money. Despite his worry, what does he realize?

2. For what kinds of property issues do the Klemperers find themselves harassed by the city during 1937?

3. Some of Klemperer's diary entries after his move to the ghetto note appreciation for the smallest things in life. What are some examples of small things for which Klemperer expresses his appreciation?

4. After making inquiries into emigration during 1939, what does Klemperer conclude about his efforts to leave Germany?

5. Whom does Klemperer begin to feel are just like Hitler in their hatred of Jews?

6. In 1939, what does Klemperer say the purpose of his diary is?

7. In October 1938, Klemperer falls ill and makes a trip to Berlin. Why does he make this trip, and why is it dangerous?

8. In what part of 1940 does the expansion in scope of the war become particularly marked?

9. During a trip to Berlin, what does Klemperer learn that encourages him?

10. What November 1938 event forced even those Jews who were most resolutely in denial (among them Klemperer) to finally come to terms with the genocidal hatred of Hitler?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Considering the financial strain--along with the constant anxiety of being the target of state-sponsored discrimination--Klemperer was experiencing by 1936, what purpose might his diary entries about the minutiae of driving have served him? Support your explanation with examples from the text.

Essay Topic 2

Compare and contrast Klemperer's belief that an amphibious landing in England is impossible with the successful amphibious landings on D-Day. Use the text to support your arguments.

Essay Topic 3

Using the text, analyze and explain whether or not the "long view" of events Klemperer presents in his 1941 diary entries shows that he has become resigned to his, and Germany's, situation under Nazism.

(see the answer keys)

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