I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Klemperer report about his wife, Eva's, health?

2. The mass _____________ of Jews has had the effect of separating friends and relatives.

3. What is the political orientation of the few newspapers that publish 'real' news?

4. Toward the end of 1935, ______________ of food and various other materials become common.

5. Before his discharge from the army, where did Klemperer serve?

Short Essay Questions

1. In 1933, how does Klemperer find the German political situation?

2. What is Victor Klemperer's theory of German national characteristics?

3. Klemperer is amazed that many Jews accept the Nazis. What does he say that Jews' overall belief is regarding what life will be like once the Nazis' anti-Semitic program is fully established?

4. In mid-May 1936, what change does Klemperer make in his diary?

5. Upon what--and for what reason--is the lawsuit between Klemperer and his publisher based?

6. As 1933 progresses, on what level and how frequently are Jewish-supplied goods and services boycotted?

7. What does Klemperer note seems to be happening with the politicized and specialized language of the Third Reich during 1935?

8. In 1933, what kind of news fills the mainstream papers in Germany?

9. Klemperer ends his friendship with Gusti and Karl Weighardt because they criticized his driving skills to others. What is ironic about this decision?

10. When Klemperer receives his driving permit in January 1936, what emotions does he experience?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Compare and contrast Klemperer's belief that an amphibious landing in England is impossible with the successful amphibious landings on D-Day. Use the text to support your arguments.

Essay Topic 2

Klemperer discounts his skills in several diary entries throughout I Will Bear Witness, believing them to be neither marketable nor viable outside the German education system. Using examples from the book, analyze and demonstrate whether or not Klemperer's self-assessment of his abilities was accurate.

Essay Topic 3

Considering the financial strain--along with the constant anxiety of being the target of state-sponsored discrimination--Klemperer was experiencing by 1936, what purpose might his diary entries about the minutiae of driving have served him? Support your explanation with examples from the text.

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