I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who writes the propagandistic articles carried by most media outlets?

2. When was Victor born?

3. What has happened to Klemperer's theory of the essential character of the German nation?

4. What is the "Night of the Long Knives" referred to as by Klemperer?

5. In what German city is the Klemperers' apartment located?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did the Klemperers purchase an empty lot in the Dresden suburb of Dölzschen with the intent of building a house?

2. What happens to Nazism in Germany during 1934, according to Klemperer?

3. Klemperer also buys a car, which severely strains his finances. What does he do to pay off his debts?

4. When Georg, Victor Klemperer's brother, sends him money to emigrate, Victor decides not to. Why?

5. In 1933, what kind of news fills the mainstream papers in Germany?

6. Klemperer ends his friendship with Gusti and Karl Weighardt because they criticized his driving skills to others. What is ironic about this decision?

7. After a lawsuit with his publisher is settled in Klemperer's favor, what does Klemperer do with the money?

8. What were one of the requirements of Palestine's immigration policies that made it difficult for Jews to emigrate there?

9. In a July diary entry, what does Klemperer wonder about himself?

10. In 1933, how does Klemperer find the German political situation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Using examples from the text, analyze and explain why the poor economic climate in the early 1930s helped facilitate the Nazi Party's rise to power in Germany.

Essay Topic 2

Using the text, analyze and explain whether or not the "long view" of events Klemperer presents in his 1941 diary entries shows that he has become resigned to his, and Germany's, situation under Nazism.

Essay Topic 3

Could Victor Klemperer's incorrect analysis of 1934's political events, in particular his incorrect predictions concerning these events' consequences for Hitler, be an indication that Klemperer was in denial about what was happening to Germany, to Jews, and ultimately to himself? Compare and contrast Klemperer's analysis with the events' actual effect on the power of Hitler and the Nazis over Germany in order to support your opinion. Back up your arguments with citations from the text.

(see the answer keys)

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