I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Victor Klemperer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Klemperer break off all contact with the Wieghardts?
(a) Their political views.
(b) Their criticism of his driving skills.
(c) They become members of the Nazi party.
(d) Their criticism of his political views.

2. In 1935, most of the construction on the new house is complete. In what area of the house does Eva spend most of her time working?
(a) The living room.
(b) The garden.
(c) The study.
(d) The kitchen.

3. What is one interesting example of Nazi indoctrination noted by Klemperer in his 1936 entries?
(a) Propagandistic slogans used as fortunes in fortune cookies.
(b) The production of coloring books that indoctrinate children.
(c) Mein Kampf replacing Bibles in churches and synagogues.
(d) Propagandistic slogans used as postmarks.

4. Why is Klemperer's manuscript of The Eighteenth Century rejected?
(a) Lack of market interest.
(b) Because he is a Jew.
(c) Because he is a Christian.
(d) Because it is poorly written.

5. Hitler proclaims compulsory ______________.
(a) Work camps.
(b) Military service.
(c) Church attendance.
(d) Indoctrination classes.

6. When Paul von Hindenburg dies in August 1934, which office does Hitler assume in addition to that of Chancellor?
(a) Fuehrer.
(b) Kaiser.
(c) Commander-in-Chief.
(d) President.

7. When he becomes Chancellor of Germany, Hitler's ______________ rhetoric becomes central to national politics.
(a) Pro-Trade.
(b) Pan-European.
(c) Anti-Semitic.
(d) Pro-Active.

8. In 1935, which religious group begins experiencing persecution, including lengthy prison terms?
(a) Mormons.
(b) Seventh-Day Adventists.
(c) Catholics.
(d) Jehovah's Witnesses.

9. In what German city is the Klemperers' apartment located?
(a) Dresden.
(b) Berlin.
(c) Nuremberg.
(d) Dölzschen.

10. What is the "Night of the Long Knives" referred to as by Klemperer?
(a) The Anschluss.
(b) The Röhm Revolt.
(c) The Kristallnacht.
(d) The Shoah.

11. For what reason was Klemperer discharged from the army?
(a) He deserted.
(b) He was discharged because his enlistment period had expired.
(c) He was discharged for medical reasons.
(d) He was dishonorably discharged.

12. In which town have the Klemperers purchased an empty lot?
(a) Dölzschen.
(b) Stuttgart.
(c) Stettin.
(d) Strausberg.

13. When was Victor born?
(a) October 9, 1882.
(b) October 9, 1881.
(c) July 13, 1881.
(d) July 13, 1882.

14. With whom is Klemperer involved in a lawsuit during 1933 and 1934?
(a) His employer.
(b) A fellow author.
(c) A student.
(d) A publisher.

15. Eva and Victor are between what ages, respectively, during 1933?
(a) 50 and 60.
(b) 61 and 52.
(c) 60 and 50.
(d) 52 and 61.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what organization, if any, did the people killed during the Night of the Long Knives belong?

2. What opinion does Klemperer say most of his Aryan friends and associates have of the Nazis?

3. What type of medical treatments does Eva undergo?

4. What illness does Victor contract during 1935?

5. Along with his strongest recommendations to flee Germany, what does Georg give Victor and Eva Klemperer?

(see the answer keys)

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