It Test | Final Test - Easy

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It Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose photo album does Mike bring to the clubhouse?
(a) His father's.
(b) His own.
(c) Georgie's.
(d) The library's.

2. Where are Ben Hanscom and Beverly Marsh when the book ends?
(a) Still in Derry.
(b) In California.
(c) Planning to kill Tom Rogan.
(d) Returning to Nebraska together.

3. Who finally kills It?
(a) Bill Denbrough.
(b) Beverly Marsh.
(c) Ben Hanscom.
(d) Eddie Kaspbrak.

4. Why does Mike stay at the library after the others leave their late night meeting?
(a) To write in his diary.
(b) He doesn't stay.
(c) To find a missing book.
(d) To do some research.

5. In 1958, how does Bill Denbrough battle It in the tunnels?
(a) With a knife.
(b) Telepathically.
(c) Physically.
(d) With silver bullets.

6. Why do the members of the Losers Club initially go to the gravel pit before the rock fight?
(a) To shoot off fireworks.
(b) To kill Henry.
(c) To build a dam.
(d) To have their weekly meeting.

7. What does Bill find outside of the pumping station when they go into the tunnels as adults?
(a) Audra's purse.
(b) Patrick's body.
(c) It's eggs.
(d) A spider web.

8. How do the Losers seal their promise to come back and try to kill It?
(a) With a pinkie swear.
(b) Through a ritual murder.
(c) By cutting their hands with a coke bottle.
(d) Through a verbal oath.

9. What is the only way to stop a glamour?
(a) By chanting their name.
(b) By using the Ritual of Chud.
(c) By shooting them with a silver bullet.
(d) By forgetting your memories.

10. What is the Silver Dollar?
(a) A "blacks only" club.
(b) A lumber union.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) A bar.

11. In the newly finished clubhouse, what do the children decide to make to kill It?
(a) A mousetrap.
(b) A silver slug.
(c) An inhaler.
(d) A silver bullet.

12. Why does Beverly go to the dump when she returns to the clubhouse before the others?
(a) To kill It.
(b) To spy on Henry Bowers.
(c) To practice the slingshot.
(d) To find Ben.

13. Who stays outside during the Indian ritual to stand watch?
(a) No one.
(b) Beverly.
(c) Bill.
(d) Ben.

14. Who navigates when the Losers go into the tunnels under the city?
(a) Ben in 1958 and Bill in 1985,
(b) Eddie in 1958 and Ben in 1985.
(c) Ben in 1958 and Eddie in 1985
(d) Eddie in both 1958 and in 1985.

15. What character does Tom Rogan become in his nightmare at the hotel?
(a) Bill Denbrough.
(b) Henry Bowers.
(c) Georgie Denbrough.
(d) Patrick Hockstetter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Audra wakes up from her nightmare?

2. Who does Bill Denbrough see hanging from It's web in 1985?

3. Where is Mike Hanlon when the novel ends?

4. What does Audra have a nightmare about in her hotel room?

5. Who tries to block Mike Hanlon's call to the hospital after Henry Bowers attacks him?

(see the answer keys)

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