I Remain in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

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I Remain in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Annie not believe about her mother?
(a) That she had an abortion.
(b) That she was Homecoming Queen.
(c) That she never learned to drive.
(d) That she would die.

2. Annie thinks that she can't write anything with enough ______________ to describe her mother's ordeal.
(a) Power.
(b) Respect.
(c) Fortitude.
(d) Grief.

3. How long has Blanche been at the institution as of Easter Day in April?
(a) 13 months.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 3 months.

4. Annie feels that her own life runs ___________ her mother's.
(a) Behind.
(b) Parallel to.
(c) Counter to.
(d) Ahead of.

5. What does Annie feel that she lost regarding her other?
(a) dignity.
(b) patience.
(c) sense of humor.
(d) humility.

6. Annie notes that she talks about her mother _________________.
(a) To no one.
(b) To anyone who will listen.
(c) In the past tense.
(d) Constantly.

7. What does Annie dream of regarding her mother?
(a) The similarities between her and her mother.
(b) That she is floating on clouds.
(c) That she is running through a maze.
(d) That she has shredded carrots for hair.

8. What is Blanche's reaction to Annie's return?
(a) She is happy to see her.
(b) She does not say anything to her.
(c) She cries.
(d) She does not acknowledge her.

9. What is placed all over the institution where Blanche lives?
(a) Fire extinguishers.
(b) Plants.
(c) Clocks.
(d) Gurneys.

10. What does Annie recall about her mother's temperament?
(a) She was extremely shy.
(b) She was very docile.
(c) She had a violent temper.
(d) She was always laughing.

11. Why does Blanche have such a hard time eating the cake Annie brings?
(a) She can't hold her fork properly.
(b) She can't stop coughing.
(c) She can't sit up.
(d) She can't find her mouth.

12. On what day does Blanche die?
(a) April 6.
(b) May 7.
(c) December 13.
(d) November 7.

13. Which of the following does NOT describe the cake that Annie brings for her mother to eat.
(a) Too moist.
(b) Too dry.
(c) Too messy.
(d) Too crumbly.

14. What happens once Annie decides to tell her mother's story?
(a) She can't face her mother.
(b) She is very prolific.
(c) She is unable to write when she returns from her visits.
(d) She cries every day.

15. What coincides in Annie's life to her mother's debilitation?
(a) Her stocks crash.
(b) The dissolution of her marriage.
(c) She is fired from her job.
(d) Menopause.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the nurses dress the patients in at New Year's?

2. Where do Annie and her mother sit while they visit at the hospital?

3. What does Annie look at two weeks after her mother dies?

4. Why did Annie hide feces as a child?

5. How does Annie respond to the ways people try to comfort her?

(see the answer keys)

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