Invitation to a Beheading Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invitation to a Beheading Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Cincinnatus asks the prison director when his execution will be, what answer does the director give?
(a) The director says the execution will be whenever Cincinnatus is ready.
(b) The director does not know when the execution will be.
(c) The director says the execution will be the next day.
(d) The director says the execution will be in a year.

2. What does Pierre say when Cincinnatus asks if he is telling the truth?
(a) That he's insulted by the question.
(b) That he never lies.
(c) That he can neither confirm nor deny it.
(d) That he often lies, but not about this.

3. What does Cincinnatus do to try and look out the window?
(a) He climbs up the wall.
(b) He jumps up in the air.
(c) He stands on a table.
(d) He crawls through a tunnel.

4. What does Pierre tell Cincinnatus that they will do together?
(a) Take over the guard towers.
(b) Walk up the execution scaffold.
(c) Find a path to spiritual well-being.
(d) Walk out of the prison to freedom.

5. What does Emmie do when Rodion comes to chase her out of the cell?
(a) She sits down and refuses to budge.
(b) She asks him to pick her up and carry her.
(c) She runs to him and hugs him.
(d) She laughs and runs away.

6. What is the weather like the day that Cincinnatus receives the letter?
(a) Sunny.
(b) Windy.
(c) Overcast.
(d) Snowy.

7. What does Rodrig Ivanovich say after Cincinnatus reads the letter?
(a) He says not to trust the written word.
(b) He says exactly what the letter says, word for word.
(c) He says the opposite of what the letter has told Cincinnatus.
(d) He repeats the letter backwards.

8. What does M'sieur Pierre show Cincinnatus?
(a) Snapshots of himself.
(b) A collection of stamps from different times and places.
(c) Different colored stones.
(d) Articles cut out from magazines.

9. What is the director's attitude toward M'sieur Pierre?
(a) Irritated and grumbling.
(b) Impartial and uncaring.
(c) Fawning and complimentary.
(d) Aloof and distainful.

10. What does Cincinnatus do when he undresses at the end of his second day in prison?
(a) He puts his clothes in the bed to form a second version of him.
(b) He throws his clothes out the window.
(c) He continues undressing and takes apart his entire body.
(d) He redresses and undresses in several different outfits, changing personality.

11. What is the one difference between Marthe's two identical twin brothers?
(a) One wears all red clothes and the other all black.
(b) One is missing a hand, and he keeps his false hand in is pocket.
(c) One is an inch taller than the other.
(d) One has a black mustache and the other a blonde one.

12. What is the director doing when Rodion brings Cincinnatus back to his cell from the new prisoner's cell?
(a) Looking through the peephole in the new prisoner's door.
(b) Bringing the new prisoner a five-course meal.
(c) Painting the new prisoner's door with red paint.
(d) Whistling and dancing around the hallway.

13. What possible consequence of Roman's sickness does the director mention?
(a) Roman will not be able to deliver a complaint for Cincinnatus.
(b) Cincinnatus will need to represent himself.
(c) Roman may not make it to the execution.
(d) Cincinnatus will need a new attorney.

14. What does Cincinnatus see in the morning papers?
(a) Photos of his house and family.
(b) Photos of the executioner waving to a crowd.
(c) Photos of the judge and his lawyer.
(d) Photos of the prison.

15. What does Cincinnatus have to eat when Emmie comes into his cell?
(a) Sweet rolls and orange juice.
(b) Eggs and bacon.
(c) Coffee and cereal.
(d) Hot chocolate and toast.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Cincinnatus when he gets his first job?

2. What metaphor does Cincinnatus use for trying to find the essence of what he wants to say?

3. What crime does Pierre say he was accused of?

4. Who finds what the lawyer was looking for at the beginning of his meeting with Cincinnatus?

5. What does the director request Cincinnatus to do?

(see the answer keys)

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