Invitation to a Beheading Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invitation to a Beheading Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cincinnatus credit his lawyer with?
(a) Saving him from a worse punishment than beheading.
(b) Making himself look good at Cincinnatus's expense.
(c) Making eloquent speeches that accomplish nothing.
(d) Avoiding doing anything at all at the trial.

2. What does Cincinnatus think would be necessary for Emmie to rescue him?
(a) For her to mature yet remain a child.
(b) For her to listen to him tell his story.
(c) For her to feel sorry for him.
(d) For her to love him.

3. How does the director think Cincinnatus should feel about the new prisoner?
(a) Excited and anxious to meet him.
(b) Jealous and suspicious.
(c) Sad at sharing the prison.
(d) Afraid to meet him, for fear of not being good enough.

4. When does Cincinnatus think the execution will be at the end of his second day in prison?
(a) He thinks it will probably be at least a week.
(b) He thinks it will probably be at least a month.
(c) He thinks it will probably be on Saturday, when everyone is off work.
(d) He thinks it will probably be the next day.

5. What does Cincinnatus write is more real than the everyday world?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Death.
(c) Thoughts.
(d) Dreams.

6. What does the director give to Pierre?
(a) Cincinnatus's drawing.
(b) A chocolate cake.
(c) The librarian's scarf.
(d) Two gold coins.

7. What does Cincinnatus start doing in his cell after Emmie's visit?
(a) Whistling.
(b) Drawing.
(c) Singing.
(d) Writing.

8. What does Cincinnatus describe as discovering, as he takes off layer after layer of his clothes/himself?
(a) A connection with the world.
(b) Nonexistence.
(c) His core being.
(d) Freedom.

9. Besides blades, what does Rodion's penknife have?
(a) A nail file.
(b) A corkscrew.
(c) A spoon.
(d) A screw driver.

10. Who finds what the lawyer was looking for at the beginning of his meeting with Cincinnatus?
(a) The prison director.
(b) The lawyer.
(c) The prison guard.
(d) Cincinnatus.

11. What is dirtying the lawyer's back?
(a) Chalk.
(b) Mud.
(c) Paint.
(d) Charcoal.

12. When did Cincinnatus first meet his mother?
(a) In his teens.
(b) When he was five.
(c) In his thirties.
(d) In his twenties.

13. What reason does Cincinnatus give Emmie that proves to him that everyone is talking about the date of his execution?
(a) Everyone looks at him as if they know a secret.
(b) A square was cut out of his morning paper.
(c) He hears people whispering outside his cell.
(d) The guard turns off the radio whenever he approaches.

14. Where is Cincinnatus during his meeting with Pierre the day after Marthe's first visit?
(a) On his chair.
(b) On his cot.
(c) On his table.
(d) On his floor.

15. What does Pierre criticize Cincinnatus' attitude as?
(a) Melodramatic.
(b) Selfish and contemptuous.
(c) Not serious enough.
(d) Constantly angry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What additional news does Cincinnatus get at the same time?

2. What does the prison director scold the prisoner for doing?

3. Why does Cincinnatus start to go for a walk?

4. How old is Emmie?

5. How does Pierre characterize Cincinnatus's desire to know the date of his execution?

(see the answer keys)

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