The Immoralist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Immoralist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Michel resolve the jealousy?
(a) He starts seeing the prostitute in a different location.
(b) He gives the jealous person money to "forget" about it.
(c) He tells the jealous person that he'll do what he wants to do.
(d) He promises not to see the prostitute anymore and invites the jealous person to his bed.

2. In what month does Part 2, Chapter 1 begin?
(a) June.
(b) July.
(c) September.
(d) January.

3. Whose homosexual tendencies are surfacing stronger in Part 2, Chapter 1?
(a) Michel's.
(b) Charles'.
(c) Bocage's.
(d) Marceline's.

4. Why does Michel seek the help of his friends?
(a) He has no more money left.
(b) He is being tried for murder and needs them as character witnesses.
(c) He needs help making travel arrangements.
(d) He can't decide on his next course of action and he needs to confess.

5. Why does Michel become interested in the management of the estate?
(a) Because he wants to sell the property.
(b) Because Marceline is.
(c) Because Charles is.
(d) Because he wants to increase his wealth.

6. In Part 3, which hotel do Michel and Marceline stay in upon reaching their final destination?
(a) The one where Michel caught his veneral disease.
(b) A new one with all new amenities.
(c) The same one in which Michel had TB.
(d) The one where Marceline got pregnant.

7. What activities do Michel and his new male friend enjoy together in Part 2, Chapter 1?
(a) Inspecting crops, creating fruit hybrids, and riding horses.
(b) Inspecting fields, riding horses, discussing property changes.
(c) Gardening, supervising work crews, riding horses.
(d) Riding horses, inspecting orchards and crops.

8. Why does Marceline immediately dislike Michel's new friend in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) He made a pass at her when Michel wasn't in the room.
(b) She believes he is a bad influence on her husband.
(c) He is a drunkard and made a fool of himself at their party.
(d) He is not in their same social class.

9. Who runs errands for Michel every day?
(a) Roger.
(b) Motkir.
(c) Menalque.
(d) Ali.

10. What happens to Marceline while Michel is visiting his friend?
(a) She faints.
(b) She is angry that Michel left to visit a friend so she packs her stuff and leaves.
(c) She gets very sick and dies.
(d) She goes into premature labor and the baby dies.

11. Why is Michel no longer attracted to Charles?
(a) Because he is not as muscular as before.
(b) He doesn'l like his mustache.
(c) Because Charles has let his hair grow out.
(d) Because he seems more noble and less like a peasant.

12. Which is an example of personification?
(a) "Just as a breath of wind...."
(b) "The men enjoyed riding horses."
(c) "Michel spent every minute by her side."
(d) "The slightest emotion could be read..."

13. What kind of housing do Michel and his wife choose when they move in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) An old castle.
(b) They live with his wife's brother.
(c) An apartment.
(d) The family estate.

14. Why does Michel decide to start supervising the work crews?
(a) Because he fired Bocage.
(b) Because he lost his teaching job.
(c) So he can show Bocage how he wants the estate run.
(d) So he can gaze at the men.

15. Who catches Michel and the prostitute in bed and gets jealous?
(a) Menalque.
(b) Ali.
(c) Motkir.
(d) Marceline.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who returns a stolen item to Michel?

2. What is the name of the18-year-old man Michel meets in Part 2, Chapter 1?

3. Who dies in Part 3?

4. Which two friends are both irreverent and disdainful of Parisian society?

5. Who attends an open house hosted by Michel and his wife in Part 2, Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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