The Immoralist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Immoralist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Michel feel on his last night in Biskra?
(a) Like he's going to have a relapse.
(b) So alive that everything else seems dead.
(c) Like he's ready to get back to his studies.
(d) Like he wants to write a book.

2. At the end of Part 1, Chapters 5-7, what does the reader learn that Michel's change in attitude and appearance demonstrate?
(a) That Michel loves tradition and convention.
(b) That Michel is leaving his old life behind and assuming a new identity.
(c) That Michel only wants his wife to be proud of him.
(d) That Michel desires to be a trendsetter.

3. What does Michel ask the barber to do in Part 1, Chapter 7?
(a) To use leeches to make him healthier.
(b) To give him a goatee.
(c) To shave off his beard.
(d) To shave his mustache off.

4. What does Michel tell his wife he is doing while she walks ahead when they visit their new walking place?
(a) Playing marbles with the children.
(b) Meeting lots of new boys.
(c) Resting in the shade.
(d) Breathing exercises in the fresh air.

5. How does Michel's wife feel about seeing him take action in Part 1, Chapter 8?
(a) She is embarrassed.
(b) She is indifferent.
(c) She is mad.
(d) She is impressed.

6. When does Michel's mother die?
(a) Shortly after his wedding.
(b) When he is 35.
(c) Shortly before his wedding.
(d) When he is 15.

7. What is the reason for Michel's feelings toward his studies?
(a) He hates the thought of anything dying or decaying.
(b) He cannot imagine life without being a scholar.
(c) He doesn't have anything to prove now that his father is dead.
(d) Taking a break made him appreciate school more.

8. What contributes to the delicate health Michel experiences early in the story?
(a) His sheltered and sedentary life.
(b) Lack of money for regular doctor visits.
(c) Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables.
(d) His dislike of sunlight.

9. What two major changes does Michel make to help him toward a full recovery?
(a) He eats heartier and insists on fresh air.
(b) He eats less fat and insists on fresh air.
(c) He exercises daily and eats less.
(d) He eats vegetables only and keeps his window closed.

10. Why does Michel's wife initially invite the boy to come play in their hotel room?
(a) To feed the starving boy.
(b) To cheer up herself.
(c) To care for the boy's wounds.
(d) To cheer up Michel.

11. What thoughts does Michel have while watching his wife sleep after making love to her the first time?
(a) He is overcome with joy at the sheer physical experience.
(b) He is overcome with the staggering thought that he is tied down to her for life.
(c) He is overcome with love for her and appreciates her devotion.
(d) He is overcome with guilt for the feelings he has toward young boys.

12. In Part 1, Chapters 5-7, what do Michel's physical changes mirror?
(a) His inner changes.
(b) His family's estate.
(c) An old, married man.
(d) His new hair-do.

13. When is the last time the friends have all been together?
(a) At Michel's wedding three years ago.
(b) At Michel's father's funeral last year.
(c) At Michel's father's funeral three years ago.
(d) At Michel's wedding last year.

14. At the end of Part 1, Chapter 7, Michel begins to see his life with...
(a) Shame instead of joy.
(b) Joy instead of fear.
(c) Fear instead of joy.
(d) Joy instead of shame.

15. Why does Michel's wife walk ahead in their new walking place?
(a) She's hoping to lose her husband in the maze.
(b) She wants to walk in sunshine rather than shade.
(c) She is power walking and he can't keep up.
(d) She wants to hurry back to the hotel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Michel's wife sit on completion of her carriage ride into town in Part 1, Chapter 8?

2. Why do Michel and his wife decide to leave the hotel?

3. What is Michel really doing as his wife walks ahead at their new walking place?

4. At what time of day do Michel and his wife leave their hotel?

5. How does Michel greet his friends once they are inside his house?

(see the answer keys)

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