The Imaginary Invalid Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Imaginary Invalid Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Argan that he should listen to the new doctor's advice?
(a) Beralde.
(b) Beline.
(c) Mr. Purgon.
(d) Toinette.

2. How long does the new doctor tell Argan to remain resting in his room?
(a) A fortnight.
(b) For the remainder of the day.
(c) At least a week.
(d) The better part of a year.

3. The new doctor is the second person to use a disguise in the play. Who is the first?
(a) Cleante.
(b) Punchinello.
(c) Beralde.
(d) Argan.

4. Who reassures Argan that the new doctor's disappearance is nothing to worry about?
(a) Beralde and Toinette.
(b) Beline and Toinette.
(c) Mr. Purgon and Beralde.
(d) Toinette and Thomas Diaforus.

5. What is the last line of the play?
(a) "I must write myself out a prescription."
(b) "Et, quod erat demonstratum."
(c) "I give you my daughters hand in marriage."
(d) "I now pronounce you man and wife."

6. Whom does the new doctor name as the two worst doctors in Paris without exception?
(a) Mr. Diaforus and Thomas Diaforus.
(b) Mr. Purgon and Mr. Diaforus.
(c) Mr. Bonnefoy and Mr. Fleurant.
(d) Mr. Purgon and Mr. Diaforus.

7. Who says, "Et, quod erat demonstratum"?
(a) Angelique.
(b) Cleante.
(c) Argan.
(d) Beralde.

8. In Act 3, Scene 21, whom does Toinette announce has appeared in the doorway?
(a) Beline.
(b) Louison.
(c) Cleante.
(d) Beralde.

9. What does Argan decide that Angelique must be?
(a) An old maid.
(b) A nun.
(c) Married within the hour.
(d) Married to Thomas Diaforus.

10. Whom does Beline say is caterwauling?
(a) Beline.
(b) Argan.
(c) Toinette.
(d) Beralde.

11. Who says, "And you have your daughters"?
(a) Toinette.
(b) Beralde.
(c) Cleante.
(d) Beline.

12. Who says "I came to find you, sir. I thought you might be lost"?
(a) Thomas Diaforus.
(b) Toinette.
(c) Beralde.
(d) Angelique.

13. What does Beralde believe all achievements require?
(a) A substantial payment.
(b) A strong imagination.
(c) An inner wisdom.
(d) An ordeal.

14. In Act 3, Scene 19, whom does Toinette believe may hear something surprising?
(a) Beralde.
(b) Angelique.
(c) Beline.
(d) Argan.

15. Who comments on all the mysterious doors in Argan's home?
(a) Argan.
(b) The new doctor.
(c) Beralde.
(d) Beline.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does the new doctor call "the worst doctor in Paris, with two exceptions"?

2. Whom does Argan say "stick together like leeches"?

3. Before the doctor ceremony, what does Argan look at?

4. Whom does Argan fear might die of shock?

5. Who is hiding when Angelique discovers her father in his chair?

(see the answer keys)

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