The Imaginary Invalid Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Imaginary Invalid Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Argan notice his daughters reaction to seeing her music teacher?
(a) He is not in the room.
(b) Angelique does not react.
(c) He is distracted by someone at the door.
(d) He is looking out the window.

2. What does Argan accuses Mr. Purgon of?
(a) Killing him.
(b) Foolishness.
(c) Plotting to steal his money.
(d) Having an affair with Beline.

3. Who is Mr. Diaforus?
(a) Argan's mistress.
(b) A doctor.
(c) The music teacher.
(d) Beline's lover.

4. Why does Toinette says that is is pointless to argue with Mr. Daiforus?
(a) He is a man.
(b) He is a guest.
(c) He is a doctor.
(d) He is speaking Latin.

5. Who is the person pretending to have an ankle injury?
(a) Argan.
(b) Thomas Diaforus.
(c) Angelique.
(d) Toinette.

6. When does Argan say Angelique will be married?
(a) In a week.
(b) During the winter solstice.
(c) In a month's time.
(d) Immediately.

7. Who tells Argan he is "the picture of health"?
(a) Toinette.
(b) Cleante.
(c) Beline.
(d) Angelique.

8. Who tells Angelique that Beline is conspiring against her?
(a) Mr. de Bonnefoi.
(b) Cleante.
(c) Thomas Diaforus.
(d) Toinette.

9. Who states that Angelique's music master is called out of Paris?
(a) Argan.
(b) Toinette.
(c) Angelique.
(d) Cleante.

10. Whom does Toinette say will be put in a convent?
(a) Beline.
(b) Argan.
(c) Angelique.
(d) Cleante.

11. How does Beralde believe that Angelique's husband should be chosen?
(a) By a singing contest.
(b) By her fathers decision.
(c) By mutually agreed match.
(d) By Beline's decision.

12. Who masquerades as a music teacher?
(a) Cleante.
(b) Punchinello.
(c) Angelique
(d) Thomas Diaforus.

13. Who is Argan calling for when he shouts "Come quick. I'm dying!"?
(a) Thomas Diaforus.
(b) Toinette.
(c) Mr. Fleurant.
(d) Angelique.

14. How many francs does Argan have hidden in his room?
(a) 50,000.
(b) 0.
(c) 20,000.
(d) 100,000.

15. Who is heard singing off stage after Argan gives his ultimatum about the impending marriage?
(a) Thomas Diaforus.
(b) Beline.
(c) Cleante.
(d) Louison.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Thomas and Mr. Diaforus determine Argan's illness?

2. Who suggests to Toinette that Argan get a new doctor?

3. Who does Beline remind Argan is rewarded in his new will?

4. To whom does Argan wish his fortune to go to upon his death?

5. Who is told to wait with Angelique for an announcement?

(see the answer keys)

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