If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home Test | Final Test - Easy

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home Test | Final Test - Easy

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following physical signs of stress can be seen in Major Callicles?
(a) Ongoing weight problem
(b) Bursting blood vessels on his face
(c) Heart attack
(d) Migraine headaches

2. What does the term fragged mean?
(a) Racist individual
(b) A white soldier who is promoted
(c) To give jobs to only whites
(d) Killed mysteriously in battle or by another soldier

3. What does the Major receive for his part in the My Lai massacre?
(a) Commendation
(b) Discharge
(c) Reprimand
(d) Promotion

4. Why is Pinkville referred to by this name?
(a) The soil is pink in this region
(b) A derogatory term for the people that live here
(c) There is much blood here because so many have been killed
(d) Areas on military maps are shaded pink

5. Which area of Vietnam is one of the most heavily mined areas?
(a) My Khe
(b) Batangan Peninsula
(c) My Lai
(d) Redville

6. What consumes Major Callicles?
(a) Sense of right and fairness
(b) Liberalism
(c) Prostitution
(d) My Lai scandal

7. Where does O'Brien go for R&R soon after he starts at LZ Gator?
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Korea
(d) Australia

8. To what does O'Brien liken Johansen's leaving Alpha Company?
(a) Overthrow of a king
(b) Vietnam War
(c) Trojans losing Hector
(d) President Kennedy's assassination

9. Which of the following describes how the scout feels about going on the march with the soldiers?
(a) Ready
(b) Unwilling
(c) Surprised
(d) Afraid

10. What do the soldiers do to the well in the village where they found the Viet Cong rifle?
(a) Dump sand in it
(b) Poison it
(c) Hide explosives in it
(d) Close it over with rocks

11. Which of the following phrases is why O'Brien decides that Johansen is a real leader?
(a) Wisdom of character is most important
(b) Laches makes him the perfect Platonic Republic soldier
(c) Courage is more than being in charge
(d) Courage without wisdom is not true courage

12. What do some of the soldiers give to the dying female Viet Cong soldier?
(a) Nothing
(b) Water
(c) Chocolate
(d) Kool-Aid

13. Why does the Vietnamese scout want request leave?
(a) To take care of his children after his wife was killed
(b) Help his family overcome an illness
(c) Join the Viet Cong
(d) To earn money for his family

14. How do the soldiers take vengeance?
(a) Hiding in the jungle
(b) Setting fire to villages
(c) Raping any women
(d) Setting up their own mine fields

15. Which of the following is not a synonym for the term lament?
(a) Bewail
(b) Grieve
(c) Celebrate
(d) Crying

Short Answer Questions

1. Pinkville used to be a what?

2. How does O'Brien feel in chapter thirteen?

3. What does Captain Johansen tell O'Brien he would rather be than anything else?

4. Which of the following terms means someone with very little combat experience?

5. What new job does O'Brien finally earn at the end of August?

(see the answer keys)

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