Iceberg Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Iceberg Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Pitt get to the airport?
(a) He drives.
(b) A subway.
(c) A bus.
(d) A cab.

2. What type of aircraft does Pitt see at the airport?
(a) An old Ford Tri-Motor.
(b) An old World War II faulkner.
(c) An new hydro-jet.
(d) Two military helicopters.

3. What do Pitt and the others do after they return Rondheim's boat?
(a) Go confront Rondheim.
(b) Go to Kirsti's office.
(c) Go to lunch.
(d) Go to their motel.

4. How does Pitt know which way to go?
(a) He heads north on the north star.
(b) He always turns left.
(c) He's unsure.
(d) He follows the sunset.

5. What does James Kelly hope to leave with his plans?
(a) A world torn by strife.
(b) The US in Mexico's control.
(c) A legacy.
(d) A fortune for his children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Pitt told at the airport about the black jet and who wanted work done?

2. What does Pitt realize James will use in his assassination efforts?

3. How does Pitt feel towards Rondheim as he watches the rescue efforts?

4. How does Pitt respond to Rondhiem's question from question # 113?

5. Why do people give Rondheim bits of poems?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Pitt realize as he is talking to Sandecker about rescue efforts?

2. What does Pitt see when he first wakes up after the poetry party?

3. Where does Pitt go after their boating incident? Who takes him and how does Pitt feel about that person? Who does Pitt find?

4. What does Rondheim ask Pitt and and do he and Tidi handle the question?

5. Where is Sandecker at the beginning of Chapter 20; who is with him; and what does that person say?

6. What does Kippman reveal about Hermit Limited?

7. What does James Kelly explain to the group about Hermit Limited?

8. Who is the man in Sandecker's office and what does he tell Pitt?

9. What plane does Pitt see in the hanger and what is interesting about it?

10. What lands near the Andursson's home?

(see the answer keys)

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