I Will Always Write Back Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Always Write Back Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Martin say Caitlin is wearing on her teeth?
(a) Artwork.
(b) Gold.
(c) Jewelry.
(d) Glitter.

2. What food is the staple of Martin's diet?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Sadza.
(c) Bread.
(d) Steak.

3. What gift does Caitlin receive the Christmas before she turns 16?
(a) A computer.
(b) A car.
(c) A stereo.
(d) A bicycle.

4. Where does Caitlin live when the book begins?
(a) Pennfield, Pennsylvania.
(b) Hatfield, Pennsylvania.
(c) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(d) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

5. What gift does Martin's father's boss give to Martin's father to bring home for Martin?
(a) A used blackboard.
(b) Two pieces of chicken.
(c) Two pieces of official stationery.
(d) A used book.

6. What does Caitlin's father do for a living?
(a) He is a forensic accountant.
(b) He is a spy in the CIA.
(c) He is a traveling salesman.
(d) He is a government energy contractor.

7. What item do Caitlin and Lauren fight about in December of 1998? (Chapter 11)
(a) A sparkly keyring.
(b) A pair of gold hoop earrings.
(c) A Janet Jackson CD.
(d) A bottle of nail polish.

8. How long has Martin had his toothbrush?
(a) Six months.
(b) Thirty months.
(c) Three years.
(d) Seven years.

9. What name does Caitlin give to her new bunny?
(a) Floppy.
(b) Lois.
(c) Luella.
(d) Hoppy.

10. What country is the foreign exchange student that stays with Caitlin's family from?
(a) France.
(b) Germany.
(c) Poland.
(d) England.

11. What government office is on strike in Zimbabwe?
(a) The Police Department.
(b) The Welfare Office.
(c) The Post Office.
(d) The Sanitation Department.

12. What is Caitlin's first rabbit named?
(a) Louis.
(b) Lyle.
(c) Lionel.
(d) Luke.

13. What does "murungu" mean?
(a) A Shona word for a party with lots of food.
(b) A Shona word for students who cannot pay school fees.
(c) A Shona word for people with white skin.
(d) A Shona word for electricity used during the night.

14. What gift in the Christmas box allows Martin's mother "to be counted in society"?
(a) Hats.
(b) Shoes.
(c) Skirts.
(d) Dresses.

15. What is the solution to getting money safely from Caitlin to Martin when Caitlin's parents begin to support Martin?
(a) Setting up a Paypal account.
(b) Using a Western Money Transfer account.
(c) Developing a special envelope with secret compartment.
(d) Putting funds in a pre-paid credit card.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does RIchie move back home?

2. When Caitlin and Lisa meet two guys at the mall, where do the guys take them?

3. What procedure does Caitlin have done after Christmas?

4. How much money does Caitlin send to Martin after she learns he has been kicked out of school in May of 1999, the end of her eighth-grade year?

5. What color are Martin's school uniforms?

(see the answer keys)

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