I, Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What company has approached U.S. Robot with a proposition in “Escape!”?
(a) Jameson Robots.
(b) Mercury Robots International.
(c) U.S. International Robots.
(d) Consolidated Robots.

2. What Latin theatrical term does Dr. Calvin refer to in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) Omniscient narrator.
(b) Antagonist.
(c) Deus ex machina.
(d) Protagonist.

3. When Lanning and Calvin interview Byerley, he consumes what to disprove Quinn’s theory in “Evidence”?
(a) A pear.
(b) A peach.
(c) A banana.
(d) An apple.

4. When she is leaving Stephen Byerley’s office, Dr. Calvin tells him that she hopes to vote for him in five years for what in “Evidence”?
(a) Co-ordinator.
(b) President.
(c) Mayor.
(d) Governor.

5. The area of the European Region covers how many square miles in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) 4,000,000.
(b) 500,000,000.
(c) 1,700,000,000.
(d) 7,500,000.

Short Answer Questions

1. What medieval curiosity does the narrator say the Co-ordinator has in his private study in "The Evitable Conflict"?

2. What is The Brain’s answer when given the question: “If one and a half chickens lay one and a half eggs in one and a half days, how many eggs will nine chickens lay in nine days?”

3. Lanning is known to be over how old in “Escape!”?

4. Who is the son of the founder of U.S. Robot and Mechanical Men Corporation?

5. Dr. Calvin tells the interviewer that when she was born, we had just been through what, in “Evidence”?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who issues the orders for the process of investigation in “Liar!”?

2. What is significant about the malfunction of The Brain in “Escape!”?

3. Who is having a discussion in the beginning of “Liar!”? How much time has elapsed since “Catch That Rabbit”?

4. What proposition has been posed to U.S. Robots in the beginning of “Escape!”?

5. What does Dr. Calvin tell The Brain about its coming project in “Escape!”?

6. What does Stephen Byerley communicate to Dr. Calvin in the beginning of “The Evitable Conflict”?

7. What situation does Dr. Lanning explain to Calvin and Bogert in the beginning of “Escape!”?

8. What is foreshadowed through the plot of “Liar!”?

9. What problem is presented in the beginning of “Little Lost Robot”?

10. What does Stephen Byerley tell Dr. Calvin and Dr. Lanning upon their departure from the interview in “Evidence”?

(see the answer keys)

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