I Am Charlotte Simmons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am Charlotte Simmons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlotte want the others at Mr. Rayon to see?
(a) Her new clothes.
(b) Her in animated conversation.
(c) The truth about Hoyt.
(d) Her with Adam.

2. How is the room for the formal decorated?
(a) In a tropical theme.
(b) Like a dance club
(c) In Saint Ray colors.
(d) In a 60's theme.

3. What reason does Charlotte give her mother for her poor grades?
(a) She began partying and drinking.
(b) She tells the truth about the events of the semester.
(c) She got a boyfriend after midterm.
(d) She stopped studying.

4. What is Hoyt's response after they have sex?
(a) He does not look at Charlotte.
(b) He tells Charlotte he loves her.
(c) He falls asleep.
(d) He starts drinking.

5. In Chapter 21, what is Hoyt concerned about regarding graduation and getting a job?
(a) His transcript.
(b) Making enough money.
(c) Leaving his friends.
(d) Leaving Charlotte.

6. Which character at the diner at Charlotte's house knows someone from Dupont?
(a) Laurie.
(b) Miss Pennington.
(c) Her father.
(d) Mrs. Thoms.

7. When Hoyt and Charlotte are back in the hotel room, why does she say nothing as he undresses her?
(a) She would seem prudish.
(b) Because she decides to leave the room instead.
(c) She wants to have sex with Hoyt.
(d) She is too drunk.

8. What is Mr. Quat's decision regarding the plagiarism issue?
(a) He will allow Jojo to redo the assignment.
(b) He will make an example of the boys.
(c) He will file a complaint.
(d) He will dismiss the issues.

9. Why does Charlotte feel she cannot tell her mother what happened?
(a) They do not have a good relationship.
(b) She would not understand.
(c) Her mother would make her quit school.
(d) Her mother has strong feelings about sex.

10. As Charlotte returns to the college and her own dorm room, how is she feeling?
(a) Excited.
(b) Like a new person.
(c) Humiliated.
(d) Scared.

11. What does the letter from Pierce & Pierce say?
(a) They will need to see his transcripts.
(b) They will not be offering him the job.
(c) They are excited for him to start.
(d) They have reconsidered the starting salary.

12. As Charlotte leaves Adam's apartment, what is Adam busy doing?
(a) Returning phone calls and email.
(b) Writing his article.
(c) Making dinner.
(d) Crying.

13. As Charlotte tries to leave the library because she cannot stop crying, who does she run into?
(a) Jojo.
(b) Adam.
(c) Hoyt.
(d) Vance.

14. What type of job does Hoyt think he should have?
(a) Teaching.
(b) Investment banking.
(c) Health care.
(d) Research.

15. Who is Adam's source at Saint Ray house for his story?
(a) I.P.
(b) Mike.
(c) Hoyt.
(d) Vance.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mr. Quat describe the Stand Up Straight for Gay Day protest?

2. What is Charlotte's reaction after the two have sex?

3. What grade does Charlotte receive in neuroscience?

4. In the beginning of Chapter 31, how is Mr. Quat described?

5. What type of girls do Beverly and Erica say get invited to frat formals?

(see the answer keys)

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