One Hundred Years of Solitude Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Hundred Years of Solitude Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who likes to bathe a lot and walk around nude?
(a) Rebeca
(b) Remedios the Beauty
(c) Ursula
(d) Fernanda del Carpio

2. Who is the traveler that prowls around Macondo, investigating insects and bananas?
(a) Mr. Hill
(b) Mr. Smithly
(c) Mr. Herbert
(d) Mrs. Price

3. What does the builder of the answer in #129 do to Jose Arcadio's grave?
(a) Erects a fortress of concrete
(b) Burns it
(c) Moves it
(d) Spits on it

4. Where is Meme take by Fernanda del Carpio?
(a) To the sea
(b) To another lover
(c) To a convent
(d) To her relative's house

5. Who gives the person in #154 a long monologue of grief?
(a) Fernanda del Carpio
(b) Jose Arcadio Buendia
(c) Ursula
(d) Aureliano Segundo

6. What does Aureliano Segundo do with his wealth?
(a) Through extravagant parties
(b) Donate it to charity
(c) Hide it
(d) Give it to leaders

7. What describes Fernanda del Carpio's family?
(a) Famous
(b) Deceased
(c) Destitute
(d) Rich

8. What does the traveler in #128 return to build?
(a) A resort
(b) A gold mine
(c) A banana plantation
(d) A railroad

9. What gets in the way of Amaranta's restoration of the house?
(a) Rain
(b) Winds
(c) Lack of money
(d) Red ants

10. What does Amaranta see a vision of?
(a) Ursula's death
(b) Meme's death
(c) Her own death
(d) Jose Arcadio's death

11. What happens to Remedios the Beauty when she is out doing the laundry?
(a) She runs from the other women.
(b) She ascends into heaven.
(c) She forgets the clothesline clips.
(d) She hurts her head.

12. What does the banana factory do to lure workers for the massacre?
(a) Tells them to gather for an important address
(b) Tells them they will hold their pay
(c) Tells them they have a gift for them.
(d) Tells them that they need to come for additional work

13. What has been happening in the town for nearly five years?
(a) Winds
(b) Nonstop sun
(c) Torrential rain
(d) Snow

14. Who does not like Fernanda del Carpio?
(a) Ursula
(b) Jose Arcadio
(c) Amaranta
(d) Jose Arcadio Buendia

15. What does Amaranta Ursula do when Gaston writes of his return to the town?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She kills herself.
(c) She is overjoyed.
(d) She tells him not to come back.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the manuscript written in?

2. Who wants to see better working conditions at the banana factory?

3. What happens to the boy that appeared to be missing?

4. After many days of consumption, who seems to be dying, yet recovers completely?

5. Who does Amaranta Ursula return to the house with?

(see the answer keys)

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