The Human Stain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Human Stain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Most of the men at the school want ___________ with Delphine, according to her own experiences.
(a) Nothing to do.
(b) To cause trouble.
(c) To sleep.
(d) To work with.

2. Delphine carries the letter in her purse for months before visiting _______ one afternoon.
(a) Chicago.
(b) Detroit.
(c) Boston.
(d) New York.

3. Who does Coleman call from the pay phone that he finds in the student union building?
(a) Faunia.
(b) Jeff.
(c) Lisa.
(d) Ernestine.

4. Delphine was visited by a __________ student who complained that Coleman had called her a derogatory name.
(a) White.
(b) Jewish.
(c) Black.
(d) Indian.

5. In what animal does Faunia seem to take a particular interest?
(a) Horse.
(b) Crow.
(c) Cat.
(d) Snake.

6. Where were the mean crows taken to once they were reported to be stealing from people?
(a) Audubon Society.
(b) The zoo.
(c) Human Society.
(d) The park rangers.

7. Delphine believes that women should not hide their ___________, but they also should not flaunt it.
(a) Knowledge.
(b) Power.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Sexuality.

8. The girl who was a __________ had been in the reading recovery program twice the time she should have been.
(a) Abuse victim.
(b) Flirt.
(c) Autistic student.
(d) Welfare kid.

9. Les realizes he must __________ Coleman in order to make things right with his buddy.
(a) Kill.
(b) Fight.
(c) Talk to.
(d) Forgive.

10. Whose scandal are the three men near Coleman discussing, one that involved an older man and a younger woman?
(a) Bill Clinton.
(b) Hugh Hefner.
(c) Morgan Freeman.
(d) Woody Allen.

11. What does Delphine do with the first letter she writes to Coleman about his relationship with Faunia?
(a) Burns it.
(b) Rips it up.
(c) Mails it.
(d) Emails it.

12. Nathan sees ___________ and Coleman one Saturday in August while attending the symphony.
(a) Ernestine.
(b) Faunia.
(c) Delphine.
(d) Lisa.

13. Who does Coleman blame for throwing out all his parent's belongings when he was overseas (at least in the story he tells his children)?
(a) Landlord.
(b) His sister.
(c) The police.
(d) The funeral home.

14. Delphine thinks that Coleman is just ________________ Faunia in their relationship.
(a) Taking advantage of.
(b) Enjoying.
(c) Fathering.
(d) Protecting.

15. What did Delphine try to use on Coleman when she was interviewing for her current job?
(a) Archaic words.
(b) Many ancient quotations.
(c) Sexual charms.
(d) A bribe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Despite a broken __________ and a tattoo from his experience, Coleman survived.

2. What does Delphine accidentally send to all of her colleagues, which could be highly embarrassing?

3. Which symphony's open rehearsal are Nathan and Coleman attending?

4. Delphine decides to write a ________ to appear in the New York Review of Books.

5. What does Faunia try to give to her beloved animal, hoping it will be snatched away and never seen again?

(see the answer keys)

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