The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was spread over the hound to give it a ghoulish look?
(a) Phosphorous.
(b) Swamp water.
(c) Ink.
(d) Oil.

2. Why is Watson upset at Holmes's deception?
(a) Watson believes Holmes was in grave danger.
(b) Watson believes Sir Henry was put at a higher risk by Holmes's deception.
(c) Watson believes his careful reports to Holmes have been a waste of time.
(d) Watson believes that Holmes's deception allowed the villain to get away.

3. How did Stapleton convince Mrs. Lyons to not meet with Sir Charles the night he died?
(a) Stapleton convinces her that Sir Charles does not wish to see her.
(b) Stapleton says that he fears it is too dangerous for her to go alone.
(c) Stapleton tells her that Sir Charles is too ill to meet with her.
(d) Stapleton said he was too proud to allow another man to help her.

4. What does Mrs. Barrymore confess?
(a) Her husband is cheating on her.
(b) She is cheating on her husband.
(c) The escaped convict is her brother.
(d) They inadvertently led Sir Charles to his death.

5. What does Sir Henry do when Barrymore refuses to answer his questions?
(a) He fires Barrymore.
(b) He strikes Barrymore.
(c) He threatens to tell everyone Barrymore is the murderer.
(d) He cuts Barrymore's pay.

6. What is Mr. Frankland's favorite pastime?
(a) Charity work.
(b) Writing.
(c) Praying.
(d) Litigation.

7. After Watson tells Holmes about his conversation with Laura Lyons, what does Holmes reveal to his partner about Miss Stapleton?
(a) She is actually Stapleton's daughter.
(b) She is actually Stapleton's wife.
(c) She is the murderer.
(d) She is Frankland's daughter.

8. What had Stapleton falsely promised Mrs. Lyons?
(a) He promised to help her leave the country.
(b) He promised to help her pursue a suit with Sir Henry.
(c) He promised to marry her after she was granted a divorce.
(d) He promised to give her Baskerville Hall.

9. Who approaches Watson and Holmes after the discovery of the body on the moor?
(a) Stapleton.
(b) Selden.
(c) Dr. Mortimer.
(d) Barrymore.

10. How did Sir Charles hear about Mrs. Lyons's situation?
(a) Barrymore told him.
(b) Frankland told him.
(c) Dr. Mortimer told him.
(d) Stapleton told him.

11. What false theory does Watson give Stapleton about how the man died?
(a) Watson says the man intentionally jumped in the Grimpen Mire.
(b) Watson says that the man shot himself.
(c) Watson says the man likely fell days earlier and died from exposure.
(d) Watson says that the man probably snapped from anxiety and exposure to the elements and ran off the cliff.

12. How does Mr. Frankland spend his time when at home?
(a) He spends time with his daughter, who is a painter.
(b) He spends time restoring his home.
(c) He uses his telescope to look at the moor, ostensibly for the convict.
(d) He is writing a history of Devonshire.

13. Who is the man that was killed on the moor?
(a) Selden.
(b) Dr. Mortimer.
(c) Stapleton.
(d) Barrymore.

14. What sort of dog is the hound?
(a) Pure great dane.
(b) Part mastiff and bloodhound.
(c) English sheepdog.
(d) Part great dane and part greyhound.

15. What does Frankland show Watson on his telescope?
(a) Watson sees the hound.
(b) Watson sees the man on the moor.
(c) Watson sees Sir Henry out by himself.
(d) Watson sees the young boy delivering food to the man on the moor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Watson glad to see Holmes after going to the stone hut?

2. What does Stapleton do when he visits Baskerville Hall after Watson has followed Sir Henry?

3. Why did Mrs. Lyons wish to meet with Sir Charles so secretly?

4. By mid-October, what lady is beginning to preoccupy Sir Henry's thoughts, according to Watson?

5. What does Barrymore tell Watson about the mysterious man on the moor?

(see the answer keys)

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