The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After meeting Sir Henry for the first time, what is Holmes's initial advice to him?
(a) Holmes advises him to not go to Baskerville Hall.
(b) Holmes advises Sir Henry not to be afraid.
(c) Holmes advises him to stay with Watson in their rooms.
(d) Holmes advises him to return home.

2. What does Dr. Mortimer have on him that he wants Holmes to examine?
(a) A bone.
(b) A walking stick.
(c) A manuscript.
(d) A will.

3. What excites Sir Henry on the journey where he cries out in delight?
(a) He sees a herd of wild ponies running over the moor.
(b) He sees a beautiful woman.
(c) He sees the moor people welcoming him to Baskerville Hall.
(d) He is excited to be back in Devonshire.

4. In lieu of persuading Sir Henry to avoid Baskerville Hall, what does Holmes suggest?
(a) Holmes suggests that Sir Henry stay armed at all times.
(b) Holmes suggests that he himself act as bodyguard.
(c) Holmes suggests that Dr. Mortimer act as bodyguard.
(d) Holmes sends Watson with Sir Henry for protection.

5. Why does Holmes change his mind about Sir Henry going to Baskerville Hall?
(a) Holmes realizes Sir Henry will not get any work done in London.
(b) Sir Henry announces that he plans to tear down Baskerville Hall.
(c) Holmes realizes that Baskerville Hall is not dangerous.
(d) Holmes knows now that Sir Henry is being followed in London.

6. What is Stapleton's profession?
(a) A barrister.
(b) A naturalist.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A professor.

7. How does Watson know Barrymore is lying?
(a) Dr. Mortimer tells Watson about where Barrymore was the night Sir Charles died.
(b) Watson hears Barrymore tell his wife he heard the hound out on the moors.
(c) Watson notes that Mrs. Barrymore's eyes are red and swollen.
(d) Barrymore inadvertently admits he was out in the halls the night before.

8. Where did Sir Charles die?
(a) The entrance to his bedroom.
(b) The entrance of the yew alley.
(c) Fox Tor.
(d) Grimpen Mire.

9. What sort of accent does Sir Henry possess?
(a) Irish.
(b) American.
(c) Welsh.
(d) English.

10. Before the death of Sir Charles, what had appeared to people on the moor?
(a) Fog.
(b) A mysterious man on the moor.
(c) The hound.
(d) A carriage.

11. What did Sir Henry discover was missing before he left to see Holmes with Dr. Mortimer?
(a) An old boot.
(b) A brown boot.
(c) An old suitcoat.
(d) A brown hat.

12. After questioning Dr. Mortimer about the discovery of Sir Charles's body, what is Holmes annoyed about?
(a) He does not care for Sir Charles.
(b) He thinks this case is a waste of time.
(c) He believes Dr. Mortimer is paranoid.
(d) He wishes Dr. Mortimer had called him in sooner.

13. When questioned by Sir Henry about the strange sound in the night, what lie does Barrymore tell?
(a) He lies about whether he has heard the hound or not.
(b) He lies about his wife crying the night before.
(c) He lies about where he was the night Sir Charles died.
(d) He lies about having been wandering the halls the night before.

14. What does Watson hear alone at night in Chapter 6?
(a) A hound baying.
(b) A woman sobbing.
(c) Mice in the attic.
(d) Sir Henry having a nightmare.

15. What is the result of Hugo's wild ride after the girl?
(a) Hugo is murdered by the girl's father.
(b) A hound will visit Baskerville Hall every full moon to take one of the men away.
(c) Hugo has his throat torn out by a large hound.
(d) Hugo marries the girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word is the only one not taken from a newspaper with Sir Henry's object?

2. What does Holmes believe is the reason Sir Charles went out to the yew alley that night?

3. How does Holmes relax after his day of thinking?

4. How does Holmes go about his search for the cut-up newspaper?

5. What do Sir Henry, Dr. Mortimer, and Watson discover as they travel to the moor?

(see the answer keys)

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