Hopscotch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hopscotch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Talita wake up in Chapter 45?
(a) Her alarm goes off.
(b) She has a nightmare.
(c) A noise outside wakes her.
(d) Traveler wakes her.

2. In Chapter 56, what does Traveler say he is surprised Horacio has not done?
(a) Slept with Talita.
(b) Killed himself.
(c) Left Buenos Aires.
(d) Written a book.

3. What is Chapter 47 supposed to be?
(a) A tape recording.
(b) A letter.
(c) A chapter of a Morelli novel.
(d) A news story.

4. What literary convention does Morelli decry in Chapter 112?
(a) Punctuation.
(b) Past tense.
(c) Rhetoric.
(d) Allegory.

5. What does Pola wonder as she and Horacio make love in Chapter 101?
(a) Why she has been feeling ill.
(b) How she can end their affair.
(c) What he does when thy are not together.
(d) How he makes love to Maga.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 92, where do Pola and Horacio have their second tryst?

2. Why does Horacio decide to move in with Gekrepten in Chapter 78?

3. What type of circus attraction does Manolo Traveler manage?

4. Where do Horacio and his sister decide to stay in the dream in Chapter 123?

5. What is revolutionary about the novel Morelli is writing in Chapter 154?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is the Morelli argument in Chapter 99 a relief to Horacio?

2. Describe Horacio's dream in Chapter 100.

3. Describe the argument that Ossip and Horacio have in this section.

4. What indiscretion does Horacio commit in Chapter 54?

5. What legal formality takes place in Chapter 51?

6. How is the prose style of Chapter 34 unusual?

7. What is Horacio's state of mind in this section?

8. What task does Morelli give Horacio and Etienne in Chapter 154?

9. Who is Pola, and how does she know Horacio?

10. What two meanings of the term hopscotch appear in the first book?

(see the answer keys)

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