The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After chastising Teddy for bringing Ruth into his house, who does Max ask to throw Ruth and Teddy out?
(a) The neighbor
(b) Joey
(c) Sam
(d) Lenny

2. When Ruth says she was different before she and Teddy were married, what does Teddy say.?
(a) Teddy says Ruth was too quiet before their marriage.
(b) Teddy says Ruth has become more affectionate since their wedding.
(c) Teddy says Ruth is exactly the same.
(d) Teddy says Ruth has become more patient since their wedding.

3. What does Ruth say Teddy was nervous about before they came to the family home for this visit?
(a) Ruth says Teddy was nervous about the money they spent on the trip.
(b) Ruth says Teddy was nervous that Max wouldn't like her.
(c) Ruth says Teddy was nervous about seeing his family.
(d) Ruth says Teddy was nervous about traveling.

4. What happens to the person who tries to help Joey after Max has hit him in the stomach?
(a) He is congratulated by the other family members.
(b) He trips over the broken clock.
(c) Max hits him on the head with his cane.
(d) Max tells him to get out

5. How does Joey respond to Max's invitation to spend the afternoon with him?
(a) Joey says he has to train.
(b) Joey says he has to work on his car.
(c) Joey says he has to repair the roof.
(d) Joey says he has to do an errand for Sam.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Max realizes that Teddy and Ruth are not going to be thrown out of his house, what does Max do?

2. What is Ruth's response when Teddy asks her to go home?

3. After Sam leaves for work, what comment does Max make to Teddy about his wedding?

4. When Max hits Joey in the stomach because Joey doesn't obey him, who moves to help Joey?

5. What is Sam doing in the kitchen during Max's and Joey's discussion about going out together?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Teddy and Ruth come downstairs and surprise Max, what is the first thing he wants to know?

2. In what ways does Max compare his father with Sam?

3. What word does Teddy used to describe the members of his family?

4. Why does Max hit Joey?

5. By the end of the first act, which characters has Max not physically or verbally abused?

6. What similarity is there between Teddy and Ruth's family and Max and Jessie's family?

7. What does Max tell Teddy about Teddy and Ruth's wedding?

8. As Act Two opens, what positive and negative comments does Max make about his late wife?

9. What does Teddy tell Max about his family life with Ruth?

10. What does Joey do in his uncle's defense when Max criticizes Sam?

(see the answer keys)

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