The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the conversation with Ruth in which he asks her to go home with him, what does Teddy do?
(a) He slaps her before going into the kitchen.
(b) He goes upstairs to pack.
(c) He goes out the front door.
(d) He goes to look for his father.

2. After questioning Teddy , what does Max say about Ruth?
(a) She is a woman of feeling.
(b) She is lucky Teddy married her.
(c) She should leave.
(d) She is a good cook.

3. After Max criticizes Sam about his contributions to the family, what does Sam suggest that Max do?
(a) Sam suggests they all go to a football game.
(b) Sam suggests that Max get over his resentment.
(c) Sam suggests they wake everyone up.
(d) Sam suggests that Max finish washing the dishes.

4. When Max sees Ruth for the first time, what does he ask Teddy?
(a) Max asks how long he is planning to stay.
(b) Max asks who gave him permission to bring a tart into the house.
(c) Max asks where Teddy is living.
(d) Max asks if Teddy has a job.

5. How many children does Ruth have?
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) None
(d) Three

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Sam, Teddy. Joey, and Lenny do after Max physically abuses Sam?

2. On the morning after Teddy and Ruth's arrival, just before Max invites Joey to go out with him for the afternoon, what does Max complain about?

3. As Lenny joins the conversation that Ruth, Lenny, and Teddy have been engaged in after lunch, what subject does Lenny ask Teddy about?

4. In reminiscing after lunch, what does Max refer to Jessie as?

5. The first time Max meets Ruth, what doe Teddy tell Max about her?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Act Two opens, what positive and negative comments does Max make about his late wife?

2. Why does Max hit Joey?

3. What word does Teddy used to describe the members of his family?

4. By the end of the first act, which characters has Max not physically or verbally abused?

5. What kinds of demands does Ruth make on the brothers?

6. According to Teddy, how is Ruth different since their marriage?

7. In what ways does Max compare his father with Sam?

8. For what does Max criticize Sam when Sam is in the kitchen?

9. What similarity is there between Teddy and Ruth's family and Max and Jessie's family?

10. What comparison does Ruth make when referring to the relationship between words and actions?

(see the answer keys)

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