The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Joey, Max, and Lenny return home from the gym on the afternoon of the second day, what does Joey do?
(a) Reminds Lenny not to light fires in the fireplace
(b) Goes upstairs
(c) Takes Ruth to the sofa and kisses her
(d) Argues with Teddy

2. What does Teddy tell Max about his life with Ruth?
(a) Teddy says it's hard having no relatives around.
(b) Teddy says they have a good home and a good life.
(c) Teddy says he and his wife argue about money.
(d) Teddy says every couple has problems.

3. What does Sam do when Max collapses after verbally abusing Ruth?
(a) Sam yells at Joey.
(b) Sam goes to help Max.
(c) Sam goes out the door.
(d) Sam picks up the broken dishes.

4. To whom does Max compare Sam?
(a) Himself (Max)
(b) MacGregor
(c) Joey
(d) Lenny

5. What do Sam, Teddy. Joey, and Lenny do after Max physically abuses Sam?
(a) Everyone leaves the room.
(b) Everyone places blame where they think it is due.
(c) Everyone is still.
(d) Everyone looks at Ruth.

6. How does Joey respond to Max's invitation to spend the afternoon with him?
(a) Joey says he has to repair the roof.
(b) Joey says he has to train.
(c) Joey says he has to do an errand for Sam.
(d) Joey says he has to work on his car.

7. In his long speech, what does Tedd say he won't do?
(a) Come back again to see the family
(b) Give his family anything
(c) Become lost in his family's lives
(d) Stoop to his family's level

8. Which of the following characters has been discussed but has never appeared on stage?
(a) Sam
(b) Lenny
(c) Joey
(d) Jessie

9. On the morning after Teddy and Ruth's arrival, what does Max invite Joey to do in the afternoon?
(a) Go to the horse races.
(b) Go to a football game.
(c) Go to a movie.
(d) Drive to the ocean.

10. When Sam comes in from the kitchen, what does Max accuse Sam of doing?
(a) Breaking the radio
(b) Forgetting to pick up the groceries
(c) Making noise out of resentment
(d) Taking other people's sides

11. When trying to convince her to go home with him, what does Teddy remind Ruth of?
(a) He talks about taking a new trip.
(b) He reminds her about her sons.
(c) He says she is making a poor impression on his family.
(d) He tells her about his childhood.

12. What kind of response does Max get from the family to his question about the surprising appearance of his son and a woman Max does not know, suddenly standing in his living room?
(a) Lenny apologizes.
(b) No one says anything.
(c) Joey leaves.
(d) Everyone starts talking at once.

13. As the men compliment Ruth after lunch, what is Max reminiscing about?
(a) His childhood
(b) His days as a football player
(c) His days at the horse track
(d) His wife

14. When Teddy comes downstairs after his father and brothers have come home from the gym, what does Max ask him?
(a) If he will put out the fire in the fireplace
(b) If he is going to fight his brothers
(c) If he's leaving soon
(d) If he's going to pay rent on the room he's using

15. What is Ruth's response when Teddy asks her to go home?
(a) She tries to reason with him.
(b) She shouts at him to leave her alone.
(c) She hugs him.
(d) She is non-committal and almost non-responsive.

Short Answer Questions

1. After she has gotten up off the floor, what does Ruth ask Teddy?

2. After Lenny mocks Teddy's inability to answer his question, what subject does the conversation change to?

3. In his long speech, what does Teddy say about his family's intelligence level?

4. In reminiscing after lunch, what does Max refer to Jessie as?

5. When Lenny re-enters the room after Teddy and Ruth have had their private discussion, what kind of small talk does Ruth engage in with Lenny?

(see the answer keys)

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