The Homecoming Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Homecoming Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Lenny and Ruth argue about?
(a) Teddy's faithfulness
(b) Ruth's glass
(c) Lenny's lies
(d) The family album

2. Where did Sam get some cigars?
(a) From a friend
(b) From an American fare
(c) From a fellow worker with a new baby
(d) From a tobacco store

3. How does Max respond to Lenny's question right after Max wakes up?
(a) Max reassures Lenny.
(b) Max spits at Lenny.
(c) Max hits Lenny with a cane.
(d) Max tells Lenny to leave.

4. What does Lenny say in response to Max's demand for an explanation of the noise that awoke him?
(a) Lenny asks Max to loan him some money.
(b) Lenny tells Max that Sam turned up the radio.
(c) Lenny asks Max about the night he was conceived.
(d) Lenny blames the noise on Joey and his friends.

5. Who, instead of Max, does Lenny say he should have asked for an answer to a question that's been bothering him?
(a) His father
(b) Teddy
(c) Joey
(d) His dead mother

6. What is Sam's job?
(a) Security guard
(b) Chauffeur
(c) Factory worker
(d) Cook

7. In which city does "The Homecoming" take place?
(a) Detroit
(b) Chicago
(c) London
(d) New York

8. Before he comes home, where has Joey been?
(a) He has been out for a walk.
(b) He has been applying for a job.
(c) He has been working out.
(d) He has been driving his cab.

9. When he first appears in the play, Max enters the living room and is looking for a scissor for what reason?
(a) He wants to cut something out of the paper.
(b) He needs to open a package.
(c) He wants to trim his hair.
(d) He plans to use them to threaten Lenny.

10. When Max comes downstairs, what does he say woke him?
(a) Joey and Lenny arguing
(b) Lenny shouting at Ruth as she leaves.
(c) Loud music coming from the radio
(d) Teddy and Ruth arguing

11. After addressing Lenny's concern about not being able to sleep, who does Teddy ask Lenny about?
(a) Sam
(b) Joey
(c) Max
(d) Jessie

12. How is Joey related to Sam?
(a) Sam is Joey's uncle.
(b) Sam and Joey are brothers.
(c) Sam and Joey are cousins.
(d) Sam is Joey's father.

13. At the end of the first scene, what does Max reveal about MacGregor?
(a) MacGregor tried to steal the deed to the house.
(b) MacGregor lived next door until he died.
(c) MacGregor was Max's football coach.
(d) MacGregor was Max's father.

14. Who is the only character left on stage at the end of Act I, Scene 2?
(a) Max
(b) Lenny
(c) Ruth
(d) Teddy

15. What reason does Sam give for believing that he is the best at his job?
(a) He doesn't take liberties.
(b) He asks questions.
(c) He works harder than anyone else.
(d) He doesn't make mistakes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Abandoning his search for the scissors, Max lights a cigarette he has gotten from where?

2. What does Lenny say when Ruth asks how he knew the prostitute was diseased?

3. What does Teddy reassure Ruth about?

4. Where does Lenny tell Ruth he thinks Teddy has been?

5. In what sport does Joey participate?

(see the answer keys)

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