Hogfather Test | Final Test - Easy

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Hogfather Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who suggests the Tooth Fairy when Susan decides to go find a girl to collect teeth?
(a) Bilious.
(b) The Death of Rats.
(c) Raven.
(d) Albert.

2. Whose life book does Susan research?
(a) Violet Bottler.
(b) Banjo Rheinhardt.
(c) Spot Braveheart.
(d) Whiz Kid.

3. Who frightens Peachy?
(a) The Scissor Man.
(b) Susan.
(c) Teatime.
(d) Bilious.

4. Who decides that the sun will not rise the next day if the Hogfather does not come back?
(a) Albert and Violet.
(b) Ridcully and Binkey.
(c) Susan and Sideney.
(d) Death and Hex.

5. Who drops from the sky on to a feasting table at the Unseen University?
(a) Binkey.
(b) Teatime.
(c) Catseye.
(d) Susan.

6. What does Teatime say to Medium Dave about Banjo?
(a) He says that he has locked him up.
(b) He says that he has bribed him.
(c) He says that Banjo is his friend now and will not listen to his brother.
(d) He says that he is going to shoot him.

7. Who is Death able to kill and why?
(a) The boars because they fall over.
(b) The Auditors because they are in their dog forms.
(c) The deer because they are weak.
(d) The wizards because they are sleeping.

8. What makes Death angry about poor and rich people?
(a) Rich and poor people are equally mean to children.
(b) Rich people feast while poor people often die and get nothing.
(c) Rich and poor people exist.
(d) Rich people do not share with poor people.

9. What is the last name of the girl who collects teeth?
(a) Teatime.
(b) Fiddler.
(c) Bottler.
(d) Camus.

10. While Albert accepts the situation, what does Death defiantly decide to do differently?
(a) He will treat both poor and rich equally.
(b) He will take away all their presents.
(c) He will take away the holiday.
(d) He will share his wealth.

11. Who is the man with a glass eye that inspires fear?
(a) Chickenwire.
(b) Peachy.
(c) Teatime.
(d) Catesye.

12. Who finds a dying guard stabbed to death lying on a snowy mountaintop?
(a) Susan and Violet.
(b) Death and Albert.
(c) Raven and Death of Rats.
(d) Sideney and Teatime.

13. Who starts to like each other?
(a) Susan and Medium Dave.
(b) Violet and Sideney.
(c) Susan and Teatime.
(d) Violet and Bilious.

14. Where are all the wizards gathering to discuss beliefs?
(a) Unseen University.
(b) Death's house.
(c) Zemphis.
(d) Violet's house.

15. What does Susan realize about the picture she sees in the life book?
(a) It is old.
(b) It is magical.
(c) It is scary.
(d) It is familiar and not real.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Susan and Bilious see when they go to the room where the scream comes from?

2. What does Death send from the sky in response to the people singing on the streets?

3. Who tries to grab Bilious but is sucked in by a wardrobe?

4. What is not a time that anyone should be sad according to Death?

5. What do Death and Albert argue about?

(see the answer keys)

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