The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the answer to Bilbo's first riddle?
(a) The wind.
(b) Teeth.
(c) A mountain.
(d) White horses.

2. What special ability does Beorn have?
(a) He can change from a man into a black bear.
(b) He can handle bees without being stung.
(c) He can hunt any animal alive with his bare hands.
(d) He can lift rocks as big as the Carrock.

3. What reward do the dwarves give to the eagles at the end of the adventures?
(a) A golden crown for the Lord of Eagles and golden collars for his fifteen chieftans.
(b) Specially designed spurs of steel that will help them fight agains the goblins better.
(c) A wagon load of silver and gold.
(d) A magnificent necklace set with rubies and emeralds.

4. What does Gloin say about Bilbo that enrages Bilbo so much that he overcomes his fears and joins the adventurers?
(a) Our friend and fellow conspirator.
(b) As fierce as a dragon in a pinch.
(c) More like a grocer than a burglar.
(d) Little fellow bobbing on the mat.

5. Where did Gollum live before coming to the underground lake?
(a) Nowhere - he has always lived on his island.
(b) With his grandmother in a hole in a bank beside a river.
(c) With the goblins, but he was banished after he ate one of them.
(d) On the top of a windy mountain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What colors of flame does Gandalf use to drive the wolves back with?

2. What wakes Bilbo up from his sleep after he realizes he is alone in Chapter 8, after coming across the elves' feast?

3. Why did the wargs come to the clearing where the adventurers were?

4. Who found the cave in Chapter 4?

5. What weather forces the adventurers to seek shelter in a cave in Chapter 4?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the trees that the adventurers are hiding in in Chapter 6 manage to catch fire?

2. What is special about the swords that Gandalf and Thorin took from the trolls' hoard of plunder?

3. Explain in your own words the history behind the the dwarves' quest for the dragon's treasure. Use details from the dwarves' song and Thorin's story in your answer.

4. How does Bombur manage to fall into the enchanted stream?

5. What do the adventurers take from the trolls' treasure hoard?

6. What are some natural features that serve as defenses for Rivendell, both in the way of putting hazards in the path of potential attackers and for hiding/camouflaging Rivendell?

7. Why are the wargs (wolves) in the woods that night in Chapter 6?

8. In Chapter 9, Bilbo becomes a successful burglar for the first time. Name some of the things he steals, how he does so, and what obstacles he has to overcome.

9. Why does Gandalf instruct the dwarves to arrive two by two at five-minute intervals?

10. Describe in your own words how the riddle contest between Bilbo and Gollum was played and what the winner of the contest would win.

(see the answer keys)

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