The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bilbo take from the trolls' hoard of loot?
(a) A long beautiful sword in a jewelled scabbard.
(b) A pot full of gold coins.
(c) A knife big enough to serve him as a short sword.
(d) A large, clumsy key.

2. How does Beorn find out that Gandalf's story is true?
(a) His bees bring him the news.
(b) He finds the dead body of the Great Goblin.
(c) The Lord of the Eagles tells him.
(d) He finds the burnt wolf-glade and also forces a captive warg and goblin to tell him.

3. Why don't the adventurers drink from the black stream in the middle of Mirkwood?
(a) It flows too fast to be safe if they stand on the brink and try to fill their waterskins.
(b) Beorn had warned them that the water was enchanted.
(c) It looks poisonous and unhealthy.
(d) They are more interested in getting across it.

4. Why are the dwarves glad to be captured by the elves (at first)?
(a) They know that if they promise the elves a share of their treasure, they will be set free.
(b) They are starving, and the elves will give their prisoners food.
(c) The elves have been friends with the dwarves for hundreds of years.
(d) They guess that the elves have taken Thorin prisoner and they want to be reunited with him.

5. What does Bilbo try to steal from the trolls?
(a) A purse.
(b) A dagger.
(c) A pony.
(d) A jug of beer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not a hazard that needs to be avoided in the path leading to Rivendell?

2. What type of enchantments is Gandalf especially good at?

3. What animals does Bilbo sense as he wanders through the dark tunnels in Chapter 5?

4. How does Bilbo kill the spiders who have captured the dwarves in their webs?

5. What does Gollum eat?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the Wood Elves differ from the goblins in regards to their treatment of prisoners?

2. How does Bombur manage to fall into the enchanted stream?

3. How do the trees that the adventurers are hiding in in Chapter 6 manage to catch fire?

4. What strategy does Bilbo use to try to win the riddle contest (not including his final "What have I got in my pocket?" question)?

5. What is significant about Bombur's (and Bilbo's) dreams while in their enchanted slumbers?

6. What has Beorn been doing when he is absent from the house?

7. Summarize in your own words how the trade between the Wood Elves and the men of Laketown operates.

8. What does Gandalf leave on Bilbo's door after Bilbo invites him to tea in Chapter 1?

9. In Chapter 9, Bilbo becomes a successful burglar for the first time. Name some of the things he steals, how he does so, and what obstacles he has to overcome.

10. Explain in your own words the history behind the the dwarves' quest for the dragon's treasure. Use details from the dwarves' song and Thorin's story in your answer.

(see the answer keys)

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