Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On August 18th, what does Father Kleinsorge begin to feel as he walks halfway from the center of town?
(a) He feels a lot of pain in his legs.
(b) He feels very nauseous.
(c) He feels very cold.
(d) He feels excruciatingly tired.

2. Where does Mrs. Nakamura and her children go to after leaving the park?
(a) They move in with Mrs. Nakamura's family.
(b) They have Father Kleinsorge find them a small room.
(c) They move in with Mrs. Nakamura's sister-in-law.
(d) They live at the shelter for a while.

3. What does the rumor being spread about the atomic bomb do to Mrs. Nakamura and her children?
(a) The rumor makes them wish they had died the moment the bomb dropped.
(b) The rumor makes them feel more resigned and passive about the moral issue of the atomic bomb.
(c) The rumor makes them lose all hope of ever regaining their normal lives.
(d) The rumor arouses more hatred and resentment of America than they had felt all through the war.

4. Who eventually comes looking for Miss Sasaki and finds her?
(a) Her siblings.
(b) Her friends.
(c) Mr. Fukai.
(d) Father Nagatsuka.

5. At the Red Cross Hospital, how many doctors are available for ten thousand patients?
(a) 500.
(b) 108.
(c) 1100.
(d) 8.

6. How do the Nakamura children react during the night at Asano Park?
(a) They cough and vomit throughout the night.
(b) They cry throughout the night.
(c) They are interested in everything that happens.
(d) They are frightnened by what is happening.

7. What happens to Mr. Tanimoto's health a few weeks after the bombing?
(a) He falls ill with malaise, weariness, and feverishness.
(b) He loses all his hair.
(c) He experiences upset stomachs.
(d) He is suddenly unable to walk.

8. What in particular causes Miss Sasaki unease as she looks at the ruins of Hiroshima?
(a) The sight of dead naked children stacked together.
(b) The amount of peoples' ashes piled on the ground.
(c) The large number of mice roaming the streets.
(d) The sight of grass and flowers among the ruins.

9. To the Japanese, what is a greater moral responsibility than adequate care of the living?
(a) Disposal of the dead by decent cremation and enshrinment.
(b) Cremation is not important under dire circumstances.
(c) Cremation should be attended to only after the survivors have been taken care of.
(d) Cremation is the responsibility of relatives only.

10. Where is Father Kleinsorge a year after the bomb?
(a) He is back in Germany.
(b) He is back in the hospital.
(c) He has traveled to America.
(d) He has completely rebuilt his church.

11. What does Dr. Fujii offer the Jesuit when they find him at eleven o'clock in the morning?
(a) Wine.
(b) Potatoes.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Rice.

12. In Chapter 2, the author writes that most people in Hiroshima were too busy or too weary or too badly hurt to do what?
(a) To care that they were the objects of the first great experiment in the use of atomic power.
(b) To care when they heard that another big city had been bombed.
(c) To know whether or not they would receive any aid.
(d) To care that the U.S. president and their own government officials were making radio announcements.

13. In Chapter 3, what happens in Hiroshima that causes more devastation?
(a) Another air raid.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) A great fire.
(d) A flood.

14. What happens to the Kataoka children, sister and brother, whom Father Kleinsorge finds?
(a) It is discovered that their entire family is dead.
(b) They are returned to their mother.
(c) They die.
(d) They have to be separated.

15. What concern is there about giving Father Kliensorge a blood transfusion?
(a) Atomic bomb patients may not stop bleeding once needles are stuck in them.
(b) He may receive badly poisoned blood from an atomic bomb survivor.
(c) Atomic bomb patients become sick during blood transfusions.
(d) There isn't the proper equipment for blood transfusions for atomic bomb patients.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dr. Sasaki eventually get permission from the Red Cross Hospital to do?

2. What does Dr. Fujii do once his injuries begin to make progress?

3. What do the civilians hear on the radio that brings them tears?

4. What does Mr. Tanaka do as Mr. Tanimoto reads the psalm?

5. Who is the person Miss Sasaki thinks about while in the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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