Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Tanimoto have to keep consciously repeating to himself in order to get all the people across the river?
(a) "God will reward me."
(b) "It's a great sin to leave them behind."
(c) ""What if I was in their place?"
(d) "They are human beings."

2. What does Mr. Tanaka do as Mr. Tanimoto reads the psalm?
(a) He loses consciesness.
(b) He vomits.
(c) He dies.
(d) He asks him to stop.

3. Why does Mr. Tanaka send his daughter for Mr. Tanimoto, whom he hadn't been on good terms with?
(a) He knows Mr. Tanimoto is good hearted and would assist him any way he could.
(b) He wants to apologize for the way he had treated Mr. Tanimoto.
(c) He knows he is dying and is willing to be comforted by any religion.
(d) He knows he is dying and wants to ask Mr. Tanimoto to look after his daughter.

4. What happens to Dr. Sasaki about seven months after the bombing?
(a) He leaves the Red Cross Hospital.
(b) He loses 60 pounds.
(c) He gets married.
(d) He is bedridden for one month.

5. What does Miss Sasaki seem to draw physical strength from?
(a) Father Kleinsorge's answers about life.
(b) Her wounded leg returning to normal.
(c) The patients who are worse off than she is.
(d) A family member showing up at the hospital.

6. What concern is there about giving Father Kliensorge a blood transfusion?
(a) There isn't the proper equipment for blood transfusions for atomic bomb patients.
(b) Atomic bomb patients may not stop bleeding once needles are stuck in them.
(c) Atomic bomb patients become sick during blood transfusions.
(d) He may receive badly poisoned blood from an atomic bomb survivor.

7. What happens to the Kataoka children, sister and brother, whom Father Kleinsorge finds?
(a) They die.
(b) They have to be separated.
(c) They are returned to their mother.
(d) It is discovered that their entire family is dead.

8. Prior to the bombing, why is Hiroshima an inviting target?
(a) It is one of the most important military command and communications centers in Japan.
(b) It is the largest city in Japan.
(c) It is in the center of Japan.
(d) It is the most populated city in Japan.

9. What do Japanese scientists announce after having investigated Hiroshima?
(a) They announce that the radiation measurement is so high, people need to stay away from the city for at least 30 days.
(b) They announce that people could enter Hiroshima at their own risk.
(c) The announce that they need to do much more intense investigation to learn whether or not Hiroshima is safe.
(d) They announce that people could enter Hiroshima without any peril at all.

10. What happens to Mr. Tanimoto's health a few weeks after the bombing?
(a) He experiences upset stomachs.
(b) He loses all his hair.
(c) He falls ill with malaise, weariness, and feverishness.
(d) He is suddenly unable to walk.

11. When Father Kleinsorge arrives to the hospital, what condition is he in?
(a) He is terribly pale and very shaky.
(b) He is bleeding profusely.
(c) He has a terrible rash all over.
(d) He is unconscious.

12. Why doesn't Mrs. Nakamura see a doctor for her ailments?
(a) Her relative is a nurse who gives her the proper treatment.
(b) She doesn't feel she is sick enough.
(c) She is too poor.
(d) She is afraid of what the doctor may tell her.

13. What does a young man who is staying at the same hospital as that of Miss Sasaki give her?
(a) A ring.
(b) A pen.
(c) A watch.
(d) A book.

14. What does Dr. Fujii end up doing with regards to his work?
(a) He devotes his life to helping atomic bomb victims.
(b) He works out of his home.
(c) He buys a vacant private clinic and builds a strong practice.
(d) He retires.

15. What happens to Mrs. Nakamura a few weeks after the bombing?
(a) She experiences fainting spells.
(b) She becomes bald.
(c) She becomes blind.
(d) She becomes deaf.

Short Answer Questions

1. The symptoms people came down with is a disease later to be known as...

2. What does Dr. Fujii do the night after the explosion?

3. What are the people at Asano Park promised by a young officer?

4. On August 15, who publicly speaks for the first time in Japanese history over the radio?

5. By February 1946, what condition is Miss Sasaki in when Father Kleinsorge visits her?

(see the answer keys)

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