Hinds' Feet on High Places Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Hannah Hurnard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hinds' Feet on High Places Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Hannah Hurnard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 12, In the Mist.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Feeling her resolve to make the journey to the High Places weakened by Pride's words, who did Much-Afraid call upon for help?
(a) Mrs. Valiant.
(b) The Shepherd.
(c) Suffering.
(d) Sorrow.

2. For what did the Shepherd gently chide Much-Afraid?
(a) For letting Pride come up and take her hands.
(b) For calling him while he was busy.
(c) For talking to Pride.
(d) For taking so long getting up the mountain

3. After Much-Afraid and her companions came out of the mist and found the Shepherd, He took Much-Afraid off alone and asked her what?
(a) He asked if she would ever change her mind and return to the Valley of Humiliation.
(b) He asked if she would make the rest of the trip alone for him.
(c) He asked if she would die for him.
(d) He asked if she would trust him even if she everything seemed like he was deceiving her.

4. What was the song Much-Afraid read after awakening during the night?
(a) The song of a shepherdess who failed to respond to the call of love.
(b) The story of a woman who lost her love forever.
(c) A poem about Shepherds.
(d) A children's story about sheep.

5. What awakened Much-Afraid from her sleep the night after the foiled abduction?
(a) The Shepherd asking why she never came.
(b) A nightmare about marrying Craven Fearling.
(c) The voices of the Fearlings outside her window.
(d) An agonizing pain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened when Much-Afraid felt the journey was hopeless because the Precipice of Injury was too steep to climb?

2. After they leave the desert, where does the Shepherd leave Much-Afraid and her traveling companions to continue alone?

3. What did She do after the Shepherd spoke to her?

4. When Much-Afraid called out to the Shepherd, what did He do to the four attackers?

5. While at the foot of the precipice, what did Suffering finally do to get Much-Afraid to call the Shepherd?

(see the answer key)

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