Heir to the Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gives Jedis their power?

2. In Chapter 4, Thrawn's team lands where?

3. During the meeting between Thrawn and Pallaeon, a young Lieutenant named what interrupts?

4. When Karrde contacts the ship, in Chapter 3, he knows they are headed where?

5. Han gets down to business with Lando, explaining that they need to create a ruse to do what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of the ways that Leia's Jedi abilities come into play when everyone is on Bpfasshi, in Chapter 10?

2. Describe Luke, Han, Chewbacca and Leia's escape from Bimmisaari.

3. Why couldn't Luke go with Han and Leia to Bpfassh and why did that make it strange that Leia was able to go?

4. How are Thrawn and Joruus' plans similar and different?

5. Based on everything you've read about Han through Chapter 10, how does he react to situations and do the other people in the book respect his opinions?

6. Describe how Thrawn uses Joruus' powers, in Chapter 9 and what the results are.

7. How does Thrawn want to manipulate Joruus' focus, in Chapter 13?

8. What are the unusual occurrences, when Leia and Han go to meet with the Bimms?

9. What was Pallaeon's role in the battle with the Rebellion and how might this influence his decisions about the New Republic and the Imperials as the book progresses, based on Chapter 1?

10. How is Han and Leia's relationship affected by their roles in creating the new government?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Leia is sympathetic to the Noghiri that attacks her and asks to meet with him. Based on that, answer the following questions.

1. Do you feel that meeting with the Noghiri was a good thing for Leia to do? Why or why not?

2. If you were in Leia's exact position, would you choose to have the meeting like she did? Why or why not?

3. In real life, if you were attacked, would you want to avoid or confront your attacker? Explain your reasons in detail.

Essay Topic 2

While on Kashyyyk with the Wookies, Leia is fearful of staying in the village in the trees, although she gets used to it, eventually. Write a detailed essay about a fear that you have. Why are you afraid of that thing? What triggered the fear? Do you feel that you could adapt to your fear, like Leia did? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Heir to the Empire is a Star Wars novel and Star Wars is based upon far off galaxies and planets, as well as alien races. What are your personal opinions about the exploration of outer space? Do you believe that there are other planets that are inhabited by intelligent beings? If not, why not? If so, do you picture those beings looking like humans, or in some other form, like the Wookies and Noghiri in the book? Also, do you believe that aliens have ever visited or will ever visit Earth? If so, for what purpose?

(see the answer keys)

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