Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jade do when she discovers Luke is missing?
(a) follows him
(b) tells the crew to be on the lookout
(c) reports the news to Karrde
(d) nothing

2. Karrde decides to get in touch with his contact where, to determine why the Imperials are after Luke?
(a) Coruscant
(b) Myrkr
(c) Bimmisaari
(d) Kashyyyk

3. What type of creature is on Karrde's ship, affecting Luke's force powers?
(a) ycalimari
(b) yjalimiri
(c) ysalamiri
(d) ymsalamiri

4. The stormtroopers handcuff and detain both Luke and Mara and escort them to a nearby what?
(a) city
(b) cave
(c) mountain
(d) ship

5. Luke and Jade are about to leave the forest and debate how to do so without being detected by whom?
(a) Karrde
(b) Han
(c) Imperials
(d) forest predators

Short Answer Questions

1. There is a scuffle involving aliens trying to do what to Han?

2. Luke could escape after the crash but, instead, he does what?

3. Jade obviously hates whom?

4. Karrde realizes what about his time at Myrkr?

5. Karrde's message is telling them to plan a ruse in order to fool whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What insights are gained into Mara's emotions towards Luke, in Chapter 22, when Mara is thinking about Luke while she is outside and Luke is escaping?

2. In Chapter 26, Mara and Luke's history finally comes to light. How does Mara know Luke and why does she claim to hate him?

3. Why does Luke choose to accept help from the Wild Karrde, in Chapter 18 and does he trust Talon Karrde? Why or why not?

4. Artoo helps Luke, in Chapter 21. What escape plan do they put into action and is it a good one?

5. How do Paellaeon's observations of and opinions of Thrawn, in Chapters 15 and 16, seem to affect his over all opinion of Thrawn and do you agree with it?

6. In Chapter 24, how does Karrde change his story with Han and Lando and what does it indicate about Karrde's personal alliances?

7. Even though the ysalimiri creatures block Luke's Jedi senses, in Chapter 21, how does Luke know what is going on and what does he hope to gain from circumstances?

8. Explain why Han and Lando meet with a fellow smuggler, in Chapter 20, and what causes the smuggler to finally agree to help them.

9. How are Karrde's hands tied in Chapter 24, as far as what to do with Luke?

10. Describe the reason for and the process by which Luke winding up unconscious, in Chapter 18.

(see the answer keys)

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