Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The wookies live in what?
(a) caves
(b) trees
(c) spaceships
(d) the ocean

2. Thrawn is confident that the Noghri will make contact with Leia and do what, as they were instructed?
(a) distract her
(b) capture her
(c) kill her
(d) drug her

3. Jade held what position at Jabba the Hutt's Palace, during the brief time that Luke was there?
(a) dancer
(b) Jedi assistant to Jabba
(c) band member
(d) chef

4. As he prepares to go back into the Jedi induced trance, he calls out to whom?
(a) Yoda
(b) Leia
(c) the unidentified Jedi that called to him before
(d) Obi-wan

5. Thrawn insists on sending ______________ to aid in a search and rescue mission?
(a) stormtroopers
(b) a trained rescue team
(c) Ca'baoth
(d) Pallaeon

Short Answer Questions

1. Han wriggles out of his handcuffs, which were not real and helps whom, sot hey can make their escape?

2. The wookies Ralrra and __________ come to greet the landing party?

3. Luke and Artoo finally get loose from their cells and head outside to find what?

4. Han and Lando tell Karrde that they are going to the Falcon to check on some things, but do what instead?

5. The stormtroopers handcuff and detain both Luke and Mara and escort them to a nearby what?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 24, how does Karrde change his story with Han and Lando and what does it indicate about Karrde's personal alliances?

2. How do Paellaeon's observations of and opinions of Thrawn, in Chapters 15 and 16, seem to affect his over all opinion of Thrawn and do you agree with it?

3. What would happen if Artoo were not in Chapter 26?

4. Describe the reason for and the process by which Luke winding up unconscious, in Chapter 18.

5. Was it evil of Talon Karrde to imprison Luke? Why or why not?

6. Based on what is known from Chapter 20 and earlier chapters, is Borsk Fey'lya a threat to the New Republic?

7. Explain why Han and Lando meet with a fellow smuggler, in Chapter 20, and what causes the smuggler to finally agree to help them.

8. Why does Luke choose to accept help from the Wild Karrde, in Chapter 18 and does he trust Talon Karrde? Why or why not?

9. How does Mara show her feelings toward Luke, in Chapter 19?

10. How is Luke conflicted internally in Chapters 27 and 28 and is his conflict justified?

(see the answer keys)

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